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I met Beam for breakfast the next day. We were chatting animatedly when Ming joined us.

I watched as Ming kissed Beam on his forehead and caressed his face gently. He also asked Beam if he wanted to come for the Engineering drinking session today. I gulped inwardly when I realized Ming would go so I decided to skip it.

Just as Ming went off to buy breakfast for himself and join us, Forth came by.

"Hey. Breakfast with Beam?"

I looked up to see Forth smiling down at me.

"Ah yes."

"Can I join you guys? If its ok?"

I was about to reject him when Ming came back. Just as Beam opened his mouth to invite Forth, I pulled Forth's wrist down to sit next to me. Beam raised his eyebrows at me.

I just chuckled awkwardly. Forth started laughing but to his credit, he didn't say anything. He just asked on what was good and went off to get his food. As Ming settled himself down and started on his food, I heard him ask me-

"When did you and Forth become such close friends?"

I choked on my food when Ming questioned me. I just looked at him, gaping like a goldfish when Forth joined us and shut my mouth up.

"Well I rescued his sorry ass the other day when he had offended some juniors with his fiesty kitty cat behaviour."

Ming and Beam laughed out loud!

"That sounds exactly like Kit!" Luckily they didn't pursue the train of conversation further and we moved onto other topics. Forth was an easy conversationalist and he kept the atmosphere alive and chatty.

The two lovebirds left earlier as Ming wanted to drop Beam off. I shooed them away and chuckled as they walked off. Once they were out of sight, I felt a hand over mine. I looked to see Forth's left hand on my right on the bench as he calmly drank his black coffee, looking ahead nonchalantly. Before I could say anything, "if you don't come for tonight I would understand and wouldn't force you. Thank you for letting me join for breakfast."

He finished off his coffee and bade his goodbye and left. However, I turned to see his number scribbled on his coffee cup. I smiled involuntarily as I saw that. I decided to save his number, just in case, oddly naming his contact as Forth the Gentle Giant.

I wrapped up my things and left for classes. It was a long deary day and by the time I was done, it was close to 7pm. I went home, showered and was on my couch nursing a beer when I saw the beer bottle and surprisingly Forth flitted to my mind. I took out my phone and was hovering over his number when a bunch of messages came in from Pha & Beam forcing me to join them and the Engineering boys for drinks. I finally succumbed, changed into something decent and went off to meet them.

I was introduced to a whole bunch of people but couldn't spot Forth anywhere. Just as I sat down, Forth came in. He looked really good in thus black t shirt, jeans and lightly tousled hair. He smiled at all and was being all raucous when he spotted me. His eyes instantly glimmered and he nodded to me. I threw a soft smile before turning my attention to Beam and Pha.

Even though I had a really good night, I was constantly cringing inwardly as Ming was with us and seeing him so affectionate with Beam tore at me. About 30 minutes after Forth had arrived, he came and sat next to me.

"Hey, hope it's ok for me to sit here?"

I nodded my head.

"Forth ah, you should stop trying so hard! You aren't his cup of tea you know." Beam teased genially.

Forth just smiled and went, "No harm trying. I never know until I try. Heh"

Beam and Ming laughed then went off to dance.

"Lest you think wrongly of me, I know it's tough on you so let me be your date for tonight. The guy who keeps shamlesssly hitting on you.'

I turned to look at Forth in shock.

"Why would you do that for me?"

"Because we are friends. Simple."

Forth went to get more drinks. I watched as this giant went off, surrounded by so many adoring fans, both girls and guys but giving nobody his attention. The only time he responded was when he threw a smile at me whilst waiting for the beers by the counter.

And how did I respond? I just turned away, blushing low key.

TIll We Unite (ForthxKit) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now