🐍5: Team's Assamble🐍

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Ousei woke up to the sun shining on his face through his apartment window. He slowly opened his eyes to see a small white snake with red eyes near his face.

"Huh, what a snake doing here?" He questioned."Through there, something familiar about you."

"I'm Yukimaru," The snake hissed, making Ousei Look at the snake in surprise that he just understood the snake.

"I just understood you," Ousei said.

"Yes, that's right, your father was the same as my father, Kaburamaru. This is why I might seem familiar. I look like a smaller version of the snake in the picture," Yukimaru replied.

"I do recall seeing a snake wrapped around my father's neck in that picture."

"That was my father. I don't know what happened to him since they died. Just remember being sealed in your Haori pocket, but it finally broke, which means you're a ninja, now," Yukimaru said.

"Why we're sealed in there until then?"

"Your father wanted me to guide you when you became a ninja in case he wasn't around for you. Not sure if he knew he wouldn't make it or if it was because he a busy shinobi."

"I see. We'll talk more later. I need to get ready for orientation," Ousei said, getting Yukimaru away from his face.

Ousei did his usual morning routine of showering and brushing his teeth. After doing that, he put on his Haori and ninja outfit before he tied his headband to his forehead. Yukimaru then wraps herself securely around his neck.

He grabbed some toast and ate it before he headed out of his apartment, ready for the Ninja orientation.


Ousei was walking down the street from his apartment when he heard his name being called.


He turned around to see Naruko running his way. She wore an orange and black kimono with her usual orange jacket unzipped, and her headband was on her forehead.

Naruko lived in a run-down apartment in the most run-down district that was a bit further from the academy compared to where Ousei's apartment building was located.

Naruko lived in a run-down apartment in the most run-down district that was a bit further from the academy compared to where Ousei's apartment building was located

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"Hi Naruko, see you passed after all," Ousei said.

"Yeah, of course I did after all; I will be Hokage! Believe it!"

"Yes, of course, how could. I forget, "Ousei said with a nod of his head.

Ousei and Naruko then continue walking toward the Academy as they see a strange figure that was near the wall.

"You're mine, Naruko!" A young boy named Kohonamaru shouted before he tripped on the wall-looking fabric and fell.

'Who is that boy? He is quite odd.' Ousei thought.

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