🐍6: Kurenai-Sensei 🐍

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Ousei was now sitting under a cherry blossom tree, eating some steamed rice for lunch, with Yukimaru lying on his lap.

He then heard footsteps coming his way and saw that it was Kiba and Hinata.

"Hello, Kiba and Hinata," Ousei greeted.

"O-Ousei," Hinata said shyly.

"Huh?" Kiba questioned, looking at Hinata's blushing face.

"What do you two want?" Ousei asked with his usual blank expression.

"W-we um," Hinata started shyly.

"What Hinata is saying is that we decided to eat lunch together since we were a team," Kiba said.

"Woof!" Akamaru barked in agreement while sitting on Kiba's head.

"I see," Ousei replied.

"You should socialize more and be less harsh. Then again, your father could be the same way," Yukimaru said, looking up at Ousei.

"O-Ousei w-where y-you g-get the s-snake?" Himata asked, sitting down next to Ousei nervously.

"Yeah, you didn't have the snake yesterday," Kiba stated, opening his lunch.

"I got her today. Apparently, my father left her for me as a graduation gift," Ousei replied, looking back at his lunch.

"Woof!" Akamaru barked, looking at Yukimaru, who was wrapped around Ousei's leg.

Yukimaru hissed in annoyance at Akamaru being in her face sniffing her.

"Get this creature away from me."

"Hey, don't hiss at Akamaru," Kiba said, pulling Akamaru away from Yukimaru.

"Don't blame her. Your dog shouldn't be in others'  personal space," Ousei said, not bothering to look up from his lunch.

"Y-you g-guys were s-shouldn't f-fight," Hinata said nervously.

"She right. Why? Because we're teammates now," A mysterious voice.

The three turned to see Shino sitting on the other side of the tree.

"Shino, when then you get there?!" Kiba questioned.

"I believe that he has been here the whole time," Ousei calmly replied, standing up."I'm heading back inside," He said as Yukimaru started slithering up his leg and up towards his neck.

"O-Ousei," Hinata said quietly as she watched Ousei start to walk off.

"That Ousei hardly socializes, and when he does, he is quite cold," Kiba said.

'Ousei, he is so unique and has an interesting personality.' Hinata thought, blushing as she watched Ousei walk out of sight.


Ousei's P.O.V

I was now sitting in the classroom, rubbing a hand against Yukimaru's head as I leaned against the wall as Hinata, Kiba, and Shino sat at a desk in front of me.

While the four of us waited for our sensei to show up along with the other teams that walked into the classroom after lunch.

"Your sensei should be here soon, so all of you wait patiently," Iruka-sensei said, grabbing his stuff as he left us in the classroom to wait for are Jounin sensei.

"U-um O-Ousei," Hinata said.

"Yeah, Hinata?" I said, looking over at her.

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