''call him. we are getting married''

''what?'' it was nothing but a whisper but he heard her.

''now can you please call him while I talk to my future wife.'' Hamza looked at her but there was nothing but hurt in her  eyes. tears were falling from her eyes.

''why are you marrying me?'' this was all she said

‘’Huda, I know this is so much for you but listen I am doing what is best. I can't leave you here. they will marry you to that man. By marrying you I can take you with me and you'll be able to meet your abbu.'' Hamza tried to explain himself

Huda just looked at him. tears falling from her eyes. Hamza felt like a criminal at that moment.

''what will happen after that? I don't know what to do I am scared. everyone is treating me like an object. is there no other way?'' Huda asked him but she already knew the answer.

''I am afraid no'' Huda just shook her head. why her? why is it always her?

''moulvi is here''.


Hamza looked at her. she was sitting on the passenger seat. he knew this all made her sad but also there was no other solution. what he didn't know now was that what will he do now. take her back and then. what? farzana bi hates her and her mother. they are the forbidden topic in their house. no one talks about them, no one is allowed to talk about them. Hamza knows what happened that made farzana bi hate her and chachi but what was Huda’s fault.

at the moment the most important thing was her. does she even know about her dad. did chachi know about it.

''you should know about our family'' Hamza said with all his courage.

''what do you mean by that?'' Huda questioned. her tone was cold. did Hamza mind it? no, of course not. he knows that she needs time. last few hours were hard on her, so hard. she was treated like an object. she was hurt.

''you should know about the family members and everything I mean you were just 2 months old back then.'' Hamza realized how unnecessary the last part was. he just wanted to slam his head somewhere. what had he done? what will he do? what if she already likes someone? what if...? what if...?

''I already know about them.'' Huda mumbled while fidgeting with her fingers. she couldn't stop biting her bottom lip. she could even taste blood now but who cares. she rolled her eyes.

''oh really, mind telling me then.'' Hamza desperately wanted to know if she knew about her dad or what did chachi tell her. does she know the reason why her parents were separated 19 years ago!

''farzana bi , dada jan, adnan taya, fatima tayi, hamza bhai, duraid bhai and myra. mama said that she never met myra but fatima tayi told her that she is carrying a daughter and she wants to name her myra.'' hamza bhai, bhai! bhai? Hamza couldn't believe that she already forgot that he is her husband but he didn't miss the way her eyes shined when she talked about everyone.fatima chachi didn't tell her everything.

“umm, so Huda you do understand that it's been 19 years since chachi met us and in 19 years things change.'' Huda knew that what he is going to tell her isn't good. fisting her hands tightly she asked ''what changed?'' Huda asked bitterly. Hamza tightened his hands around the steering wheel. better now than later.

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