Chapter 27

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Level 115: The Day Hell Broke Loose

Illumina had been exploring for hours. Days? Weeks? He had no idea. He found himself in a level that freaked him out. It was a large ring. But gravity seemed to follow him as he explored. Illumina walked and walked. And walked. And walked. And walked. And fucking walked. A burning feeling filled his veins.

He soon saw a few houses. Static sounds in the air around the houses. Illumina kept walking towards them. Illumina felt like he was losing his fucking mind. Despite his better judgement, he walked into a house but glitched out of it.

Pain lit up his body. He looked down and saw holes in his body. Blood spilled everywhere. He felt the words, "I will enjoy my time in hell." rip from his throat. He felt the control of his body stop. He uncontrollably began wandering in circles, blood and organs layered the floor. He had no idea how he hadn't died but wished he had. The pain that consumed his body was too much. He wanted it to end. In his mind, he was screaming out in pain but the screams would never come out. Instead he kept quietly muttering "I will enjoy my time in hell.".

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

Illumina silently begged for help, not that anyone would hear his pleas.

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

Illumina just wanted it to end. He felt his body collapse to the ground, the blood and organ loss getting him. 'Please stop this... I just want this to end.' his thoughts burned as tears fell from his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.

But there was only one sentence that would come out.

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

Illumina tried to get his control back but it was futile. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't. 'I'm sorry... I failed you guys...' Images of the group flitted through his mind. 'I promised I would come back. I'm sorry. I'm going to die here. I just want the pain to end.' Illumina felt his brain go fuzzy as the only thing he could say kept going.

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

Illumina wished he'd never left the group's side. He wished he'd just stuck with them. If he didn't go back out on his own, he wouldn't have ended up in this hellish situation. He wouldn't be on death's doorstep.

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

"I will enjoy my time in hell."

Illumina felt like waves of ice water covered his body as his body temperature lowered. He felt his quick heart rate begin to slow to a stop. The last thing he thought was, 'I'm sorry I broke my promise. I wish I never left.'

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