Chapter 22

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Level 194

Karl had his machete in hand and the others seemed to follow his lead on the weapons regard. They had no idea what was in this level. They had no idea if there was or wasn't any danger. And as they kept their weapons in hand, they looked around the room. Everyone had a feeling of dread. Karl felt like he was being watched, panic rising in his chest due to it. A faceling wandered toward them, ready to attack. Sapnap had no hesitation to walk forward and slice the creature's throat wide open, blood spilling everywhere.

Red looked like he was about to scream but Ant was quick to stop his boyfriend from bringing even more entities to them by covering Red's mouth with his hand. "Red. Listen to me! Do not yell!" Ant whispered. "I can sense that there are entities hidden everywhere, just waiting to attack! You will see blood. You will see murder. We are going to leave here alive. Bloodied, but alive nonetheless. Just trust us. We've been here a lot longer than you.".

Red nodded reluctantly and Ant pulled his hand away, just in time to see three hounds peering at them. Karl's breath caught in his chest as he stared at the hounds. Images of his hound encounters in Level 0 and Level 5. Horror burned his veins but Sapnap grabbed his hand tightly and reassuringly. Karl didn't mind the faceling blood that now covered his hand. That blood was the least of his concerns. The hounds began crawling over, growling. Karl gripped his machete tightly and Sapnap let go of his hand so he could take on the hounds but they ignored everyone but Karl.

"Just my fucking luck!" Karl thought, swinging his machete, cutting one of the hound's stomachs open, spilling blood and stomach acid onto the ground. The hound writhed in pain as various organs flopped onto the ground. Karl's fight or flight instinct kicked in, ignoring his urge to gag. He heard the group's collective gagging and possibly some of them puking but Karl fought. He fought. Oh how he fucking fought. He risked a moment to look at his friends, who he found to be incapacitated with their puking. So Karl ignored them. He had to. If he didn't ignore his friends puking, he'd die. Karl flipped to face the next hound, pining it by the throat to the ground with his machete. Karl pushed against the seething hound's throat. The creature coughed blood onto Karl's face but he jerked the blade to the side, cutting down to the bone of the creature's spine like its flesh was butter with a hot knife.

Karl got slammed to the ground by the final one. Karl gripped his machete between his teeth by the handle. He wrapped his legs around the entity and swiftly moved to reverse the positions. Karl had curled the creature closer and rolled until he was on top of the hound. He grabbed the machete from his mouth and plunged the machete deep into the creature's chest. When he found that to be inefficient, he grabbed a knife from the holster on his hip and stabbed that into the hound's heart. The creature clawed at him to get him to stop but to no avail. Its gurgling and hissing didn't stop Karl as he pulled the small blade from the hound's chest and plunged his hand in. He felt the creature's weakly beating heart pulsing in his hand and ripped it out violently.

Karl stood up panting and dripping with hound blood. His breathing was heavy and he felt extremely light headed. The hound's heart fell from his loosening grip. "Sap...... nap..." Karl heaved before hitting the ground with a loud thud. Ant wiped his mouth and flipped around to Karl's aide. "Karl! Karl, look at me! Say something!" Ant's voice was full of worry. "Guys protect us! I need to take care of Karl!" Ant commanded. As if on cue, Sam and Wilbur entered and heard the command, jumping to action. "Where.... i-is... Sap..?" Karl was going in and out. Ant propped Karl up against the wall. Ant called Sapnap over but the raven was in the middle of hacking down another hound. "One second Ant! I'm kinda doing something!" Sapnap called back.

"I wan....t Sap....nap here..." Karl lolled his head around, panting as he began to feel the warmth of his body drain like his blood. His arms had been ripped up and he was losing a lot of blood extremely quickly. "Karl, stay with me!" Ant yelled, his own heart rate picking up as Karl's began to slow. Ant had no choice at this point and pulled Karl's sweater and button up shirt off, tossing them to the side. Ant had to find what injuries were the worst so he could work on them first.

Ant pulled out a makeshift med kit from his bag and, despite his trembling hands, he threaded the fishing line through the narrow gap in the needle. Ant began stitching Karl's arms up, quickly finding that all of the slashes were bad, none were worse than others.

Ant stitched and stitched while the others fought. He didn't have time to waste. Karl's condition was worsening by the moment. Ant feared that the brunet would die. Ant couldn't let that happen. Ant refused to let that fucking happen.

But Karl's body seemed to have other plans.

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