Chapter 10

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Level 83: Field of Roses

Ant heard Quackity groan, "I can't keep going! We need to sit for a moment.". Everyone looked at Ant with pleading gazes. "Fine, we can take a break to regain our energy. But we need to get out soon." he sighed, crouching down and laying Sapnap down. Sam seemed relieved that he could rest his arm for a bit. Quackity and Callahan sat Karl down too. After a while they heard a groan that didn't come from any of them. The group looked at the two men on the ground.

Karl began to stir awake. "Is... Is Sapnap okay?". Panic laced the brunet's voice. He tried to sit up but was quickly kept down to the ground by Quackity. When no one answered immediately, Karl started to have a panic attack. "Oh my god I killed him! I should have told him to st-stay back! But I let him follow me! And I got him killed! I couldn't save him from th-that thing!" Karl's crying became nearly deafening. Ant walked over trying to calm Karl down. "He's alive, don't worry! He's in stable condition!" Ant said. It wasn't entirely the truth, but not exactly a lie either. Karl looked up at Ant, "I don't want Sapnap to die. I don't care if I do but him..." Karl trailed off, a pinkish tint creeping onto his face. Ant knew why Karl was blushing. Ant knew damn well why. But he wasn't going to say anything in front of the others. Ant placed a hand on Karl's shoulder.

"You will need to calm down or else your stitches will split open, and that wouldn't be good, obviously." Ant chuckled. Karl looked down at himself, seeing the mess that was his once colorful sweater. "What happened?" He asked, pulling his shirt up slightly to observe the injuries. Seeing stitches upon stitches layering his chest, stomach, sides and more. It was insane. Karl was shocked he was still alive right now. He looked over to Sapnap, a look of sadness crossed his gaze.

'Karl? Is everything alright?'

Karl sighed. He looked at Callahan, shrugged, and looked back at Sapnap. "He's going to blame me for this. As he should, don't get me wrong but..." Karl sounded like he was on the verge of tears. "I just don't want Sap to hate me. If he dies or ends up hating me... I wouldn't be able to stand that..." Karl muttered, pulling himself to move closer to Sapnap. The only motion Sapnap made was breathing. Karl put his hand carefully onto Sapnap's chest, "I don't want to lose him. I care about him..." a tear rolled down Karl's cheek as he stared at Sapnap. A long set of stitches ran across his face diagonally before suddenly jutting the opposite way over the bridge of his nose. "Karl, don't blame yourself man. You had no way of knowing what was in there. You didn't know what a Clump was, which is on us for not telling you." Quackity reasoned softly. Sam seemed angry but Karl didn't know why and he had a feeling that he shouldn't ask. Karl trailed his hand from Sapnap's chest to his face, carefully running his finger across the stitches. He laid himself back down and wrapped an arm around Sapnap, making sure not to damage him even more. Karl blamed himself, he couldn't lie. He wished he'd known. If he'd known that something like that would happen, he would never have even looked at that black house.

Karl didn't care what the others thought about him at this moment. He just wanted to make sure Sapnap was alive. Karl felt Sapnap's heart beating within his chest. Karl secretly placed a caring and worried kiss on Sapnap's cheek. He knew if someone saw, they'd call him out. Karl couldn't help but feel at peace. The roses, the polite voice playing in his mind that was telling him calming and reassuring things. Sapnap's gentle breathing and heartbeat filled Karl's mind. Karl couldn't resist from snuggling closer to Sapnap's warmth. He just needed to know that Sapnap was going to be alright, that Sapnap wouldn't blame him, that Sapnap wouldn't hate him. But Karl couldn't be sure of that. He wouldn't know until Sapnap told him, and that's what Karl hated. He just wanted answers to whether Sapnap was okay and if the raven hated him or blamed him.

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