Chapter 5

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The Hub

Karl was sitting with Dream and Antfrost at that point. "So Dream. If you don't mind my asking, why do so many of you guys go by nicknames?" Karl hummed. "We all have different reasons. Some of us are uncomfortable with our real names, others just prefer a nickname. Hell for me, 'Dream' is the name I go by online. I just got used to hearing it a lot." The blond shrugged.

Karl raised his eyebrows briefly. "Cool. How did you both end up here anyway?" Karl asked. He was full of questions about these people, about the Backrooms, and about anything he could think of. Antfrost was the first to respond, "I was with Red and had to use the bathroom. When I went to leave the bathroom, the door opened up to the Backrooms. I wonder what Red thinks happened to me. Does he think I just-" Ant stopped for a moment before continuing with a sigh, "-left? Does he know about the Backrooms? If so, does he know I'm here?" Ant seemed to have questions about that himself. Dream placed his hand on Antfrost's shoulder. "I don't know Ant. But I'm pretty sure that if he does know you ended up in the Backrooms, that he'd be looking for you here." Dream tried. "What about you, Dream? How'd you end up here? You haven't told anyone." Ant turned the conversations focus to the blond. "I learned about the Backrooms. Wanted to know if it was real or just some fictitious concept made by someone on 4chan. So I did as much research as I could. Writing in notebooks detailing what the wikis said before I made my way to an abandoned building and I tried no clipping for hours. As you can see, I'm here!" Dream chuckled. Karl and Antfrost stared at Dream with wide eyes. Karl looked over Dream's features to try and gauge whether he was joking or not.

Karl quickly came to the realization that Dream wasn't joking. "Y-You came here willingly?! But... But why?" Antfrost questioned. "You knew the danger! You know the danger! And you know how easily people can die in the Backrooms!" Ant questioned, genuinely shocked. "I wanted to see it all for myself. The danger sounded..." Dream thought for a moment while chuckling, "Fun." Dream green gaze darkened sadistically. It was then that Antfrost seemed to notice something Karl didn't. "Dream, how is the sight in your left eye?". Dream looked to Antfrost's searching blue gaze. "It's worse... why?" Dream seem confused by the sudden question. It took a moment but Karl saw what Ant was worried about. Dream's left eye was injured in the hound attack. His eye was getting a soft blinding haze over it. The hound had done damage to almost everyone. Sam had a broken ankle. Sapnap had a few broken ribs and a fracture in his collarbone. Quackity's right arm had broken in two places and a broken rib. Dream had the worst injuries by far. His neck sliced open, narrowly missing his throat, vocal cord, and the major arteries, left arm was broken in three places and his right in two. Long scratches that ripped into his back. His left cheek was sliced open, cutting down on his chin and his eye.

Dream had recovered shockingly well from injuries like that. He should have died but lived through the hell of that attack for what must have felt like it lasted years. And here he was, finding the dangers of the Backrooms amusing? Karl thought Dream was crazy, to say the least. Dream got fucked up in and half blinded by a hound and was here chuckling about it. Finding the whole of the Backrooms fun? It was insanity.

"Dream I need to check your eye out! Or at least have Bad do it!" Antfrost's voice was filled with concern. "I'm fine Ant! I promise!" Dream tried. "No Dream! You're going blind in your left eye! Come on! I'm taking you to Bad, he has more medical supplies than I do. Let's go!" Ant was having none of it as he grabbed Dream's hand and forced the taller man to his feet and dragged him off to where Bad had set up a small medical station. Karl couldn't resist the urge to follow as he got up. He saw Bad sit Dream down and have the blond lay down. Bad looked closely at Dream's eye, having the blond close his right eye and trying to gauge how his vision was in his left. Bad went to hold two fingers up before Dream spoke up. "If you're about to ask me how many fingers your holding up, I can't fucking see out of my left eye."

"Well... that answers this." Bad sat Dream up. The blond was very clearly annoyed as he got up. "I didn't need a medic's help to tell me that but thanks." Dream stalked off. George and Sapnap walked over asking why Dream seemed pissed off. "Hey what's up with Dream? He looks like y'all told him he was dying." Sapnap said. "Yeah, I've never seen him like this!" George piped up. Bad just shook his head. "He's lost sight in his left eye. He's not pleased that he had to admit it to us." Bad sighed.

"I mean, losing any amount of eyesight isn't easy to get used to." Sapnap said, looking off in the direction Dream had gone. "I know that from personal experience." the raven pointed to his blind eye, sighing.

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