Dakkon: I'm sorry

Yang: don't be, there was nothing you could do against him. He was too strong

Dakkon: no, it's not that. I broke my promise, that's why I'm apologizing

Yang walked over and gently hugged Dakkon, being careful not to cause any pain to him

Yang: it's fine. These things just... happen, I guess

Dakkon: where's everyone else?

Yang: Ruby went to see the next fight, the rest of your team are there too. Weiss and Blake are at the food stands.

Dakkon: how long until I'm out?

A doctor walked into the room, holding a clipboard, and checking off a list

Doctor: you should be okay to leave in about thirty more minutes. Until then, rest properly. I'll be doing a few more checks to make sure your recovery will be as swift as possible

Dakkon: thank you. Well, I suppose now you'll be leaving Yang

Yang: hmm?

Dakkon: well, your worries have been put to rest now that I'm awake again. So, I guess you'll head over to watch the next fight too?

Yang: not all of them. You were talking in your sleep. You said something about... 'beating them with your mind' or something, and you kept repeating a name... Yaomoshi. What was happening, were you dreaming or something?

Dakkon: yeah... I guess... actually it felt more like a memory or sorts. As you already know, Yaomoshi was the dragon that raised me. I was just... recalling something he once told me

Yang: well as long as it's nothing bad

Dakkon: yeah... hey, how long until the next match starts

Yang: it's starting in about ten minutes

Dakkon: you'd better hurry before you miss the airship then

Yang: hmm, no. I think I'll watch it here with you instead

Dakkon smiled and Yang angled the television to face them. She then turned it on and sat down next to Dakkon's bed


Professor Ozpin walked over to his desk, holding his mug in one hand and a teapot in the other. As Ozpin reaches his desk, he pours himself some more tea and watches as the randomisation process began. Through the screen, Doctor Oobleck's voice could be heard

Oobleck (over intercom): alright, it is now time to begin the randomisation process for our second fight for tonight!

Professor Ozpin placed down the teapot and moved around to sit in his seat

Port (over intercom): it looks like our next contenders are... Penny Polendina from Atlas! And her opponent... Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon!

Over in Amity Colosseum, Penny and Pyrrha both faced each other in the arena. Penny had both hands on her hips and a wide smile on her face. Pyrrha, on the other hand, was still concerned about the recent events

Penny: Sal-u-tations Pyrrha Nikos! It's an honour to finally meet you

Pyrrha said nothing and instead raised her hands to inspect them

Penny: this is going to be so much fun!

While this was happening, Mercury and Ruby also faced each other in the maintenance halls of Amity Colosseum

Ruby: Mercury... what are you doing? You were hurt! Why...?! Uh... what's going on?

Mercury said nothing in response, instead he glared at her with a sinister smile

Dragon's Tale Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now