Part 3

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As Nevada entered their room they couldn't stop thinking about what California's intentions could be. They locked the door and began to get changed.

"What the hell does California want from me? Is it really just someone to interact with? No, that can't be it. There are like 7 billion people in the world. No way someone desperate for friends would choose me. Fuck, I mean that like as someone who doesn't like him. He knows that not a single state wants to spend time with them so it must be something else. Perhaps, he could be trying to make me a blue state.  Of course, buttering me up so when election season rolls around I'll vote for the candidate he wants. I wonder if I'll fall for it. Probably not, I know what his intentions are so I can see right through it when the elections happen." 

Once Nevada was done they unlocked her door and went to the living room. As he entered a bunch of states teleported in.

"How was the meeting," California asked. Nevada jumped a little when they realized California was right behind him. "Amazing," Texas responded. "Really?" California replied, "didn't miss me at all?" Texas rolled his eyes and walked off. "Did you talk back to Texas for me?" California asked turning to Oregon and Washington. Neither of them said anything and walked passed xem. "I'm going to take that as a yes," California said. Soon most people had walked away from California yet Nevada still stood there to watch.

"I don't know why you even bother," Nevada muttered. "You don't think it's funny?" California asked. "You do?" "Of course I do. I'm the funniest person here." "I'm sure everyone agrees with that statement," Nevada joked. "Oh?" California smiled, "You think you're funnier?" "Anyone's funnier than you." "What about Florida?" Nevada sarcastically dropped their jaw, "You did not!" California's smile widened, "No, I think I did." "Well, Florida is funnier than you anyways so." "No, he's not." "Uh, yes, he is." "You just have a weird sense of humor." "No, you're just saying that to be different." "Whatever." "Uh, anyway, imma go..." "Okay, bye."

Nevada then walked away to watch TV. They sat down and watched whatever was on. Trying to distract herself from everything that was going on. He didn't want to think about how sweaty and tried they felt. The more they thought about it the worst it got. Nevada didn't want to think about it with other people around so they left.

She entered her room and began coughing up smoke. He opened their phone to see what was happening. A lot of smoke was being blown into Nevada. California had a lot more fire though. It looked awful. 

"God, I didn't even realize what was happening to him," he thought. "If anything, xe's the one who needs help. Maybe, I should talk to them about it. Ugh, I don't know. What would I even say? 'Heard you're having it worse let me help you.' No, I'd rather not. I don't even know how to help myself why would I be able to help them?" Nevada coughed up more ash. "Jesus fucking Christ, I can't catch a break. I just want this to be over already. I can't handle this. Why is California even trying to helping me? I'm still not sure I get it." Nevada frowned and stared up at the ceiling. "When will this nightmare be over?" He cried.

Nevada began coughing up a lot of smoke and ash. They were hunched over and began crying. It's was so fucking painful. How could anyone put up with this? Nevada then finally stopped for a moment. She stared down at the floor covered in ash. The room was filled up with smoke. "At least it wasn't bad as the casinos," they joked to themself. Nevada then contemplated opening the door to air out the room. Although they didn't want to alert anyone. He looked up at the smoke detector in his room. She remembered removing the batteries when he wanted to smoke. They were glad they did since the noise was so aggravating. Plus, she didn't want to alert anyone.

He decided to sit in the smoke. It was easier this way. Besides, their lungs were already filled up with smoke. She opened up their phone again to pretend it wasn't happening. Again, distracting himself with something not terrible enough for someone to care. "I hope California doesn't find out," Nevada thought.

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