Part 2

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Nevada dragged themself out of bed feeling worse than before. They were sweating buckets. They were too tired to get changed. She grasped his hand firmly on the door handle so they'd be able to open it. She then turned the handle and pulled the door open. He walked out feeling awful. They weren't even sure if they cared for breakfast anymore, but he still enjoyed food. He then arrived in the kitchen looking around for food. She laid their eyes on a stack of pancakes that no one was eating. By the plate there was syrup and butter. He grabbed a clean plate and placed two pancakes on their plate. She took his plate to the dining room to eat because it felt like too much work to eat in their room right now. They sat down and began eating. As they were chewing it tasted really off. 

"Maybe I should've gotten some syrup," Nevada thought. "Must've slipped my mind," he joked. "Hey, Nevada," someone said. He then looked up to see Arizona. "Hi girly," Nevada said nearly inaudible. "Should've got a drink too," Nevada thought. "Can't handle the heat?" Arizona asked. Nevada laughed uncomfortably. "I knew I was the only state that could handle the hot seat," Arizona replied. "Yeah," Nevada said under their breath. "Um, but seriously, are you good?" Arizona asked. Nevada nodded. "Uh huh, sure. Why don't I get you a glass of water anyway?" "Thanks," Nevada muttered. Arizona smiled and walked back to the kitchen. "God, you look awful," California said. Nevada didn't reply. "Here's your drink," Arizona said. Nevada smiled and nodded at her. Arizona smiled back, "You're welcome." "At least you're accepting help," California said. Nevada rolled their eyes. "Um, California, who asked?" Arizona said. "Im just trying to help," California replied. "Well, no one asked for it, so back off." "Whatever," California then walked off. "Thanks," Nevada mumbled. "Yeah, no problem," Arizona smiled. 

Nevada then finished their food even though it still tasted off. He then got up, put his dishes in the sink, and she sat on the couch in the living room. Some states were watching Fox News while California kept muttering their problems with the show.

"Can you just shut up?" Kentucky said. "Yeah, no one is forcing you to watch it," Alabama added. " An hour till today's meeting," Gov interrupted. "Ah, shit," Nevada muttered. They then got up too fast when they tried to leave. "Nevada, are you okay?" California exclaimed. "What do you think?" She asked as she couched up ash.

Nevada was so dizzy and felt as if they were going to faint. They tried walking back to their room but then they fell down.


When Nevada woke up he could tell he was in California by the pride flags on xeir wall. Plus the California state flag. He got up slowly from California's bed and saw California sitting on a chair across the room. He was reading something off his phone.

Nevada groaned, "Did I miss anything?" He asked. "Uh, we missed some of the meeting but it's probably best if we don't go, huh?" California replied. "Yeah..." "I didn't think so. Also, you it weird how long you were out, right? Maybe it because you're on fire? There isn't a lot of research on what it's like being on fire so I know." Nevada nodded. "Um, do you cough up ask often?" Nevada asked nervously. "Yeah, but you used to it. Plus, I found out ways to kind of suppress it so, yeah." "Ah, okay."

California stared up at Nevada for a moment and then got up. They walked over and sat by Nevada.

"Look, Nevada please just let me help you. I know you don't want my help but I know you need it," California began. "I mean, they don't call me the human torch for nothing," Xe joked. "In all seriousness though, I can help you if you just let me. If not for yourself, for the people who you care about. I mean, do you think Arizona enjoys seeing you like this? She's your sister for crying out loud." Nevada thought for a moment. "God, why does he want to help me so bad? I mean you must have some alternative motive. Like it can't just be making a friend, right?" Nevada's eyes wandered around the room. "God, I don't know, I guess I feel bad for them. I mean, either way it'll be bad for xem. Like, he'll have to take care of me or be rejected from having any people to hang out with again." "Hm," Nevada said aloud looking back at them, "I'm still not convinced. What exactly are you going to do for me?" "Well," California replied, "I'll tell you what you should do if you're feeling off and I'll hang around you to make sure another 'accident' doesn't happen without someone there to help you. I mean imagine if I didn't caught you. You could've got really hurt." "I'm sure another state would've caught me," Nevada interrupted. "Sure," xe replied very skeptically. "Anyway, what do you think." "I suppose I could use your help, but be prepared to take care of a very high-mautionece state, especially now." "Don't worry, I can handle it." "If you say so." 

California then got up and stretched. "We'll, you probably don't want me hovering you all day but if you need me, feel free to ask.  Besides, it's best if you don't do much considering your current, state," California joked. Nevada faked laughed, "Wow, so funny, but what about your 'state.' I mean, aren't you also on fire?" "Yeah, but I know what I'm doing and it's less." "Is it?" "Yes," California said bluntly. California then waved goodbye and left.

Nevada sat in California's room for a moment. She thought about the decision he had made.

"Should I really be doing this? I get he wants to help but why? I don't understand," they thought to themself. "Ugh, it's fine. Besides it's good to accept help. I'm not just Vegas. I've got to be there for Northern Nevada too." Nevada then exited California's room.

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