"Dream or not, you need to pull these pieces together because others are counting on you. Don't deny them their life by mourning your own" He said as I tried to slap away his hand. Instead of recoiling, Edoneon snatched my hand and pulled me up. "Your body is different now. You are taller and trying to get stronger, try to walk without falling. The more you move, the more the muscle will develop quicker. Use your longer arms to balance you if you have to" He said motioning for me to walk towards Jareth. With a huff I took my first step and faltered. A hand shot out and caught me before I fell. It was like my legs were turned into jello. "Try again" Edoneon encouraged.

               I took one staggering step then another. My breathing came out sharp as I began to fall. Jareth, inches from where I stood, caught me at the last second and leaned towards me. "I have to say I'm not learning much along the lines of walking when your arms are holding me back" I said trying to stand up and away from him holding me but failed again. Jareth looked deep into my eyes with a big smirk on his face. "Really? I wonder what else they could do" He teased. I shoved him away in disgust and he laughed. I stood up weakly and walked roughly to Edoneon.

               "We have work" Edoneon said looking at Jareth whose smirk still resonated on his lips. Jareth leaned on a wall with his arms crossed. "I say we run her" Jareth muttered. "Maybe a slight bit cruel but it might work" Edoneon said considering Jareth's idea. "Running? I can barely walk!" I cried. "Oh, you won't know the meaning of walking when this is finished" Jareth said and his eyes darkened. "You've already killed me once" I muttered. "Exactly, so who says we can't push you close one more time. I may consider mercy is you plead" Jareth said still towering over me even though I was quite a bit taller. "You can't make me" I snarled. "Sarah, your underestimation wounds me. I take that as a person challenge now" Jareth said walking past me.

               I turned around to keep my eyes on him but he was standing inches away. In a blink of an eye he had me in a dip with a crushed crystal in his hands. He blew the dust into my face and smiled. "Good luck..." He said in a whisper that died off. My surroundings went dark and I fell limp with him still leaning over me.


               With a gasp, I shot upwards and looked round. Everything was very blurry as I tried to find Jareth and Edoneon but they were nowhere in sight. The room was dark as night with only the glowing, gold flowers around me emitting light. The room was still crumbling to pieces. I looked down at my longer legs then to the floor. With labored breath I pulled myself off of the stone that I was placed on. I let my feet touch the cool floor and a shiver shook my body.

               I took a step and had to catch myself on the stone. A sudden noise echoed through the castle and I looked up. Its low snarl sent a wave of terror through me just imagining what it could be. I looked to the door as slow, heavy steps made their way up the stairs. I tried to move again but my legs were too weak. A sudden roar tore through the castle and I fell behind the stone just a creature stepped through the eroding door.  I pulled my feet to my chest and took shaky breaths. The creature took a few steps before stopping. I thought it was going to turn around.

               With a sudden jolt, the stone bed behind me was smashed. I let out a scream as pieces of the rock flew towards me. I moved just in time for the sharp stones to leave me uncut. Unfortunately, I had just moved into the line of sight of the beast. The creature towered over my head. Its size broke what was left of the ceiling above it. It looked like a troll of some kind. I watched its anger boil when his eyes met mine. He let out a scream and threw his strange bat-like weapon at me. I ducked and rolled on my stomach to the edge of the room where I stood up on shaky legs. "Come on" I muttered in a panic as the troll turned around to the door and moved towards me. "Please!" I cried trying to move.

Labyrinth: Saving the Fallen CityWhere stories live. Discover now