Busted and reveal part 2

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(Short chapter)
Y/n walked up to the poke ball that contained the most powerful pokemon in the world. The ball was shaking lightly which showed that Mewtwo had weakened but not to the extent that he was completely at the will of the ultra ball. Y/n looked for Charizard who was still pretty much unharmed so he was confident that he partner could assist in protection against Mewtwo. So he sent out the pokemon as him stood in front of him. Instead of the imposing entity he was when they began the battle, in front of Y/n was an uncertain creature with the hidden look of fear in his eyes. Their battle has clearly rattled the creature as the pink feline deity takes a few steps back away from the trainer only for the hot stones of the floor from their previous battle burn his foot as he staggers back to his earlier position. He stares Y/n deep into his soul before speaking through use of telepathy.
Mewtwo:Human. You have captured me. What is my purpose now?
Y/n can hear the sense of full obedience but isn't the kind that he would expect from any pokemon. Let alone a pokemon that could have legendary status. It sounded like a slave talking to their master.
Y/n:Firstly, the name is Y/n. And secondly as long as we can battle together and be friends you can do whatever you want. I will even let you roam around the world if you want. Just as long as you come back from time to time for when I need you.
Mewtwo is dumbfounded. He never knew a human would offer anything to any pokemon. Let alone to himself. He had only known about the corruption of humankind and  the most evil of them, Team rocket. He then closed his eyes in deep thought before speaking once again.
Mewtwo:If what you say about letting your pokemon do what they want and helping them is true, may I ask you something? Not as a slave but as your friend?
Y/n without hesitation responded.
Mewtwo did an expression which Y/n could only interpret as a smile.
Mewtwo:Help me defeat the people that created me. Help me defeat Team rocket.

End of flashback
Y/n:And that's the whole story.
Cynthia stood there shocked at the story she heard. She never knew that a pokemon, created by the most evil of humankind could build trust with another human. And she most certainly didn't know about the true strength of charizard. It showed her how impressive her boyfriend was but also just how much she didn't know about him. She had to act professional now.
Cynthia:Ok. So what do we do from here?
Y/n:Well since you now know, I think it makes sense to alert the other champions. Maybe then we can make a more formidable force against the GO Admins.

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