"Okay baby, I'll see you after the game! Good luck Blake!" I say giving him a kiss

'Thank you baby & don't stress!" He says walking to the front door

"I'll try" I yell & hear the door close

'Make it last forever , come on baby won't you hold on to me....' My phone rings ..

'Hello , Hi Brynn"

"Hey Bianca , Ford wants to say Hi'

"Oh aww okay'

"Hi bwianca"

"Hey buddy!"

"I see you later with mommy"

"See you later cutie pie"

"Hey , so do you wanna meet up around 5 & go out for a smoothie or something ?"

"Sure , just text me where & we'll meet up"

"How about Jamba Juice?"

"Sounds good , I'll see you later then"

"Bye Bianca" she hangs up .

You can say me & Brynn are good friends , Ford & I are so close . Whenever he comes over & I'm at Blake's house ,he jumps around all happy , he's such a good child.

I was starting to get nervous again , I really want his family to like me .


5:25pm , Jamba Juice

"Hey Bianca" Brynn stands up & gives me a hug

"Hi Brynn , how are you?"

"I'm great , I found a new boyfriend!" she says with a smile

"Oh really? What's his name?"

"Tom , Tom Hiddleston" Tom.....

"Oh.. Congratulations!"

"Thank you"

"Where's Ford?"

"He's with Tom , they're in the restroom"

"Oh , okay! I wanna see my little munchkin"

"Haha , he wants to see you too"

"BWIANCAAA" Ford yells when he sees me
"Fordddyyy" I say while walking to him

"Hi Bianca" Tom says trying to get my attention

"Hello" I say looking at him

"Nice to see you again" he says with a smirk

"Yeah I guess" I say walking back to Brynn

"Tom meet Bianca , Bianca meet Tom"

"Pleasure to meet you Bianca" Tom says offering his hand

"Nice to meet you too" I already met you...

"Fordy how are you munchkin?"

He puts both of his thumbs up & gives me a high five.

"That's good Fordy!" I give him a kiss on his cheek

"Brynn I'm gonna get going , I have a meeting to go to" Tom says getting up

"Okay bye baby" she says giving him a kiss
"Bye Brynn , bye Bianca , bye Ford" he says kissing her back & walking out

"He seems nice.." I say turning to Brynn

"Yeah , he is sometimes "

"Sometimes?" I say giving her a confused look

"Yeah , he gets mad out of nowhere at random times"

"Is he bipolar?"

"I don't know.."

"Brynn if he does anything he's not suppose to , call me okay "


"Mommy me wan a smootie" Ford says looking at Brynn

"Okay sweety let's go order something for you, Bianca which one would you want?"

"Umm, the 'Aloha Pineapple' sounds good ." I take out my wallet & give her a $10 bill

"Bianca no, I'll pay! Here take it back" She says giving me the money back

"Are you sure?"

"Positive" she says smiling & walking to the line to order .

6:30pm , Bianca's Condo

After Jamba Juice , Brynn & Ford came to my place & she helped me find an outfit . She was wearing white jeans & a blue Clippers jersey , Ford was wearing blue jeans & a blue shirt.

"I dont know what to wear?"

"Here" she says giving me a red jacket

"I didn't even know I had this in there" I say looking at the jacket

"You have a lot of clothes"

"Haha I know , oh look I'll wear this clippers tank top , with black jeans "

"& the jacket & these heels"

"I'm gonna curl my hair & put this hat on" I say showing her my Clippers hat

"You'll look hot!"

"Thanks Brynn" I say giving her a hug


7:00pm , Staples Center

Me, Brynn & Ford arrive at The Staples Center , I was carrying my purse & Ford , Brynn was carrying her purse & Fords bag.  We arrived at our seats & Blake's family were already in their seats .

"Hello Tommy , Hello Gail" says Brynn hugging Blake's Parents

"Here let me take him so you can meet Gail & Tommy" Brynn says taking Ford

"& you must be Bianca , Its nice to finally meet you!" Gail says walking to me & giving me a hug

"Nice to meet you too Mrs. Griffin" I say hugging her back

"So you're the girl who has my son wrapped around her finger huh? Hello I'm Tommy , Blake's dad" He says offering his hand

"I wouldn't say I have him wrapped around my finger but we are very much in love , nice to meet you Mr.Griffin!" I say shaking his hand

"Hello I'm Marieka , I heard such good things about you , its a pleasure to finally meet you Bianca!" The pretty blonde girl says giving me a hug

"Nice to meet you too" I say hugging her back

"Hi , I'm Taylor , Blake's older brother" he says offering his hand

"I'm Bianca , Blake's girlfriend" I say shaking his hand

"Pleasure to finally meet you" He says giving me a smile

& like that , I knew they liked me .....

The Griffin Effect (Blake Griffin Fanfic) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now