[6.] Chasing after Wind.

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After helping out Coby, he thanked for everything and wished you luck. Scratching the back of you head, you got a bit embarrassed. No one thanked you for anything often. So it was kinda new.

Leaving the scene, his laugh crawled through you, like a cold chill down the spine. Very deep, grumbling and yet familiar laughter.

One this was clear - you had to find the owner.

Maybe searching for the old man from before could do the trick? Since he may seen the right person, you were chasing after.

Seeing that older patient on a wheelchair, which was pushed by muscular nurse, you approached them.

"Excuse me, Mister. Can I ask you something?" The elder turned his head towards you, slightly not to break any needle, which was connected to his veins.

"Call me Pops, my dear. And what do you exactly need?" He simply answered, looking straight into your eyes.

"Uhh. . . Mis- Pops!- Can you laugh one more time?" Swallowing a lot of saliva, your body started to sweat a bit. The awkwardness has just given it's signs.

"I am afraid that I cannot do that at the moment. My throat begun to ache, right after the last time I cackled." A Pokerface was plastered on his face, as the man explained the situation.

Suddenly a big hand landed and squeezed your shoulder, it turned out that it was Kid, who already had enough of this. . . Well, particularly - everything connected to the hospital.

"Punk. We got to go. Doctors won't be patiently waiting, till we stop the chitchat." You could feel his breath at the back of your ear and neck, the amber orbs were glancing at the elderly man, who was moving away.

"You're right, goodbye mister!" Saying that, the old person wasn't in the horizon anymore. Like he just *poof* went gone, with a snap of two fingers.

Shrugging it off, you both made your way to search for Killer. Finding him in the waiting room.

"Finally. I thought you went without me." The Blonde babbled out from behind his blue and white striped mask, standing up after sitting on a chair.

"Yeaaaah. . . Sorry for the wait, I had something to do-" Nervously rubbing the back of your neck, Killer already was heading to the exit with Kid.

Before they could disappear from your sight, you catched up with their pace. Walking in an awkward silence for around 15 minutes.

"So. . .Do you have anywhere to stay at, Jaggy?-" Being the first to talk wasn't the best idea, but always better than staying in a deadly, silent mood.

"Of course that I will stay with Kil--"

"Sorry, but not this time, Kid. I got a girlfriend at my house and she would be against that idea." Captain got cut off by his best friend. Now, frozen in one place, the Redhead sent a confused look towards the Blonde.

"Wait- From When?-" Eustass asks Blonde, who is calmly fixing his thick bangs.

"Few weeks ago, she is a golden woman." A noticeable smile creeps on Killer's lips, easy to read. The older man surely was happy to have somebody.

"Great- Just motherf***ing amazing- " Kid, clenching his teeth, frowned and threw his arm in the air.

An idea popped into his mind, ending his moody attitude and turning his head with hot red hair. A strange look was in his amber eyes.

"Uhh. . . I mean, I have some free space in the academic-" Now, it was even more awkward than before. Eustass grinned, how fast his moods can change? For sure you know one - this man, is something else than others. No wonder you get on well with him.

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