The Great Sage and Saving Faces 1 pt2

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     I turned around my eyes were met with another pair of green eyes. He looked slightly older than me. He was wearing a green and white robe and glasses, he had dark brown hair, tan skin, and a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. "Fine, you can get away this time," Eve Lee yelled as she flew further east. The forcefield disappeared from me and the boy walked over. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and he spoke. "I'm Harry Potter, some people may call me a great sage of sorts. I've heard about the Dark Lord, but that was not what I expected." "Thank you so much for saving me. I really shouldn't have agreed to defeat her, oh wait I didn't have a say in the matter," I mocked. "Oh right, I'm Maddy, and I'm a mage like you." He nodded, "I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but I sense a great power within you. If it is within fate we will meet again," he said as he walked away. We stay silent for a while, until Lincoln breaks the silence, "That dude is cool," he smiled. Everyone nodded then we continued in the direction of the Dark Lord. We soon came to a sign with two different arrows, pointing in two different directions. It was just the two arrows, one to the east and one to the west. I looked at the other 3 people in my group with a "what do we do" look. Without even speaking, everybody collectively decided to continue to the east, so we did. We came across a few goblins and moths but we were powerful now. After a while we made it to a small chest, we opened it and got 140g, then we came across another one, and got 280g, then we found a giant chest. We struggled but ended up opening it, in it, we found a shiny red frying pan and Lincoln took it immediately. We continued on the path until we found an inn. Then we decided since it was still light outside we would go back and take the other path. There wasn't any monster on the path we had just taken, but after we passed the sign we came across one lone goblin. So I decided to try and cast fire again, but that wasn't what had come out. A large bolt of lightning came out and struck the goblin, and two smaller bolts hit the left and right of it. Obviously, this killed it immediately, but I was tired. All of a sudden the charm spoke again, "I have put some magical sprinkles in your pocket, the yellow ones are for when you are injured, and the green ones are for when you feel weak in power." "Umm ok, thanks," I grabbed the green ones and hesitantly held them to my mouth. "Go ahead," the charm answered my question without me even having to ask. I sprinkled them into my mouth and the rest of the party looked at me like I was insane. But the second I swallowed them I felt powerful and energized again. We continued for a while and TJ was back at it with his psychic abilities because he said, "I wonder if we'll find Rudy anytime soon." Then like 30 seconds later we saw a face in the air and I recognized it as Rudy's. A giant grey rock appeared and Rudy's face attached itself to it. "Wow that's one Rocky Rudy," Lincoln joked. "Ha ha, very funny," Lilly rolled her eyes as she threw the megaphone at the rock. I wondered how that would hurt it but when it made contact with the rock, the rock was pushed back and Rudy flinched. "How the.." I mumbled. "Trust me, they're tougher than they think," she passed it to me and I almost dropped it. It was so heavy, but it wasn't like that when I gifted it to her. She read the confusion on my face and answered, "I added some extra stuff after you gave it to me." TJ tapped me with his sword, "Uh can we fight now?" Without waiting for a response he hit the rock with his sword. Then I hit it with my lighting again. I was about to get the sprinkles out again when Rudy rolled forward and hit all four of us. TJ and I stood our ground, but Lincoln and Lilly stumbled back. I pulled out both sprinkle holders. I ate the blue ones myself and handed the yellow ones to the two of them. They gave me a confused stare, "Just eat them, you'll feel better." They hesitantly did and nodded happily while handing me the sprinkles. "If you could have told me that I could cook with magical sprinkles a few years ago, then I would have hit you with my frying pan like right now," then Lincoln hit Rudy with the pan and the rock exploded into brown goo. My nose filled with the amazing smell of chocolate, and I ran to the goo. Sure enough, it was melted chocolate. TJ somehow still had a jar and he filled it to the brim with the sweet-tasting food. Then headed to the inn. "Guys we should really invest in backpacks, and fill them with jars," I suggested. "Good idea," Lilly agreed. Then just as the sun began to set we saw the inn and headed off to bed. When we woke up an old guy was waiting for us in the dining area. "Hello, we thought that since you were our most frequent stay-the-nighters we thought that you deserved a souvenir. Then he pulled out  4 backpacks, one was teal, one was dark green, one was yellow, and one was pink. I swear all of us were psychic; we just didn't know it. I took the teal one, TJ took the pink one, Lilly took the yellow one, and Lincoln took the dark green one. We filled all the bags with the free jars and headed out again. We decided today we would go east and then south just to see what was there. There were no monsters in the areas that we had already been through, but then we reached a forest and entered. Once there we encountered a giant yellow mushroom. TJ hit it with his sword and then it shook its stem like a but causing Lincoln to burst out laughing. The charm started glowing and it said, "If a monster's action affects one of your teammates or you then they can go to the safe spot. It's located behind you and once there monsters cannot hurt you." "Thanks," I responded as I directed Lincoln behind me. Then I hit the mushroom with my fire, and it was actually fire. "Yes, I can control it better now," I mumbled in excitement. The mushroom exploded into some perfectly cooked mushroom saute, "How is that even possible?" Lilly asked the thing everyone wondered. We picked it up into the jars and headed on our way. Then we found a giant mole the size of me and a fluffy white cloud. I did lightning on the cloud and the small bolt hit the mole to the left. TJ ran up to slash the mole, but it ducked into its hole causing TJ to fall forward. Then Lincoln pulled out his new frying pan and began to cook what looked like bits of chicken. "Here have this," Lincoln gave the chicken to TJ. After that Lilly hit the mole and the cloud with her megaphone. Then the mole threw a rock at me, leaving a small cut on my cheek. The cloud started raining and I assumed that it had healed. I hit both of them with lighting again and the mole exploded into a freaking ice cream sundae, what the heck.  Then TJ killed the cloud and it exploded into cotton candy. We collected the food and moved on. Except that I took the sundae, which was somehow in a glass cup, and ate it while we walked. Then we got to an inn but it was still light so we went on. We fought a few more moles and clouds, and now each of us had cuts on our faces courtesy of the moles. And now TJ is back at it again with the... "I wonder if Pookie's face is around here somewhere." Then like 15 seconds later we saw Pookie's face attached to a giant yellow mouse with a spikey tail. I hit it with my fire, then TJ with his sword, then Lilly with her megaphone, and Lincoln with his frying pan. The mouse barely looked hurt, and then she hit all 4 of us with her spikey tail. I went to hit her with my fire, but TJ got in the way, "Wait let me help." I nodded and as I lit her on fire TJ hit her with his sword. She exploded into pink and yellow cheese, ew. We moved on and accidentally made it back to the town of Greenhorne. We all watched as the faces returned to their owners. I was pretty sure we had gotten all the faces until I noticed Clara still standing in her fruit stand. "Guys, we still need to save Clara," I inform the group. They all give me tired looks, and Lilly rolls her eyes. Dudley approaches us, "Thank you for your help, we will allow you to sleep in Clara's house tonight." We look at each other with awkwardness. "Uh thanks," TJ mumbles. We head to her house and it's really nice inside. There are 4 nicely made beds labeled Clara, Lee, Amy, and Erin. She must have grandchildren that stay over somehow. We lay in the beds and fall asleep in seconds. The next morning we head back through the forest and I notice a cave. We're about to go to the cave but we hear a horse neighing in distress. We run to the horse and see like 5 goblins surrounding this teal and pink unicorn. We run up to them and the unicorn runs behind us. I go to cast lightning but a giant explosion sweeps through and hits all 5 and kills them. They explode into goblin ham, but it smells so bad we didn't even take any of it. I slowly approach the unicorn, "It's ok you're safe now, you can go back home now." With that, we start heading to the cave. We didn't realize it, but it was already getting dark so we started heading for an inn instead of the cave. It was then that I realized that the unicorn was still following me. "Uhh look," I pointed to her. The rest of the team looked shocked. "Well I guess we have to keep her now," said Lincoln. We continued to the inn, and now there was a stable. I swear these inns were listening to us. We led the unicorn to the stable and gave her food and water. "Well, she needs a name. Any ideas?" Lilly asks. "What about Lulu?" I suggest. "Sure," they all say in unison. We head to bed and in the morning they're serving complimentary nachos in the dining hall, and they gave all of us new outfits and weapons. I got a robe with stars on it and a wand with copper accents, TJ got bee armor and a matching sword, Lilly got a strawberry dress and a pink ribbon mic that she quickly added her attachments to, and Lincoln got a better-looking white uniform with green accents and a donut-shaped frying pan with pink frosting and everything.  We thanked them for their kindness and headed to the cave. Once we arrived I could see it better, it was a blue cave with water in it. There was a straight path with another path sticking out in the middle. We went forward until we found a blue banshee. I hit it with fire and then it started crying. This caused Lilly to start crying aswell, so I led her into the safe spot and the battle continued. TJ hit it with his sword and it exploded into a glass of blue liquid, banshee tears.  We continued and we came across the part where the path sprouted in another direction. We decided to take that path and we come across another cloud. I beat it easily with my fire and me moved on. After a while of walking we found another giant chest. We pried it opened and inside was a yellow polka-dot dress with a matching bow. Lilly took it in her backpack and we moved on. Once we got to an inn Lilly went onto a bathroom and changed into her new dress. We slept and then moved on to the other part of the path. I could see the end of the cave and as we went on we continued picking up the pace. Then we came across 10 little green slime creatures. I cast an explosion and all of them exploded into green jelly. It smelled like sweet green apple and all of us took some. We headed out of the cave and we were greeted by none other than Eve Lee. "Mwah ha ha ha, you're still trying to defeat me?" Her voice booms like thunder through the sky. "Let me introduce you to one of my loyal servants. She sommons a purple imp-like creature, then she sommons Clara's face, then she sommons 10 more of those green slime things. After that she flies in the direction of the castle. I cast explosion and all of the green slimes die. Then TJ goes to hit the imp with his sword, but Lulu gets his attention. "Ok," then TJ gets on Lulu's back and she kicks the imp in the head. She stumbles back. Then Lilly walks up so she's in the middle of us and Clara. She holds her mic up to her mouth and lets out an out-of-tune screech. It hurt my ears, but I could tell that it had really hurt Clara. Then Clara takes out a pitchfork and stabs it into the ground. The pitchfork then comes out and hits Lincoln. Then she runs up to me and hits me. Lincoln goes to cook me chicken but I stop him. "Take these," I dump some sprinkles in my hands than I hand hinem the rest. We both eat the sprinkles and then we lights his pan on fire and hits Clara. After that I cast fire again and TJ hits her with his sword. Lilly hits her with her mic and she explodes into vanilla cake with chocolate frosting. We raced to it and split it into 4 pieces. Then we went back to the inn from the cave and had a long rest. Then we go back to Greenhorne and return Clara's face. Suddenly the sky seems brighter and Dudley approaches us. "Thank you so much, take this and you can get into the castle. Please worn the royal family," he hands me a yellow piece of paper tied up with a red ribbon. All 4 of us nodded and headed out of town after collecting our gold from the townsfolk.

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