The Attack On Greenhorne

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   "Uh hi, I'm Maddy by the way." "You pincess Madison?" A little boy with short black hair yelled at me. "Rascal don't be so rude, I'm so sorry about him," a woman with ginger hair and an exhausted-looking face said. "I'm Helen," she smiled at me. "That's Rudy," Clara pointed to a man with a weird jawline. "And that's Largo," she pointed to a teen with long black hair. "You forgot about meeee!" A man with brown hair and a red and green outfit jumped out at us. "You fogot bout Pookie and Schmoopy," Rascal says. "Oh right," Clara points to a man with light brown hair and a woman with dark brown hair. They were being all lovey and it was kinda weird. "Anyways, welcome to Greenhorne,  I'm Dudley, Greenhorne is a great town, but I'm the mayor so I have to say that." I guess that the man that jumped out at us was the mayor.  "What brings you to this-" Dudley was cut off. "Mwah ha ha ha!" Everyone in the town looked up at the sky in unison. Then we saw her, this horrid purple beast with horns. She had purple eyes and purple dots above her eyes, I assumed they were eyebrows. "I am the dark lord Eve Lee, I have come to ruin your lives." She waves her hands in the air and Rascal, Largo, Rudy, Pookie, and Clara's faces fly off to her. She looks at me, "And those who have been spared, I'll come for you next." I began to shake in fear. "I hope your friends'll enjoy a life of wordless terror, cause they're never getting their faces back!" With that, she flew to the south. I heard someone crying and I looked over to see Helen balling her eyes out. She was standing next to her faceless baby Rascal, crying. I approached her, "Helen, you're such a bad mother, but you'll get his face back, but what if you don't, I failed as a mother," then she noticed me. "Oh hello Maddy, I beg you please, save my Rascal." "Umm sure, but I'm not that strong," she hugged me and cried harder. I awkwardly hugged her back until she let go. "I know you haven't helped yet, but take this as a thank you," she handed me a cool-looking charm on a black string. I put it around my neck and headed to the south to save Rascal. When I arrived the Dark Lord was still there. "Trying to be the big hero, are we?" She says trying to intimidate me. "Give me Rascal's face!" "Oh this ol' thing?" she pulled Rascal's face out. "I'll give t to you, but you'll have to fight for it," she pulled out a giant yellow jelly blob thing and put his face on it. "I can't fight that thing, my father hogs all the food, I'm like a stick," I mumble to myself. Just the charm around my neck begins to glow and a voice comes from it. A wave of calmness washes over me. "Maddy, Maddy can you hear me?" "Yeah, who are you?" "You may not believe it but I'm a guardian spirit in a way, I've come to save you. Would you like my help?" "Definitely!" "I bestoweth upon you the awesome power of the guardian!" After that, I'm transported to a completely white room. I look behind me and see 6 buttons on the wall: Warrior, mage, cleric, thief, pop star, and chef." I click the button that says mage and I'm transported back to the battle. I look down and see that I'm now wearing mage robes and I'm holding a brown wand. "Fight o' Maddy, make your foes fear you!" After that, I couldn't hear the voice and the charm wasn't glowing anymore. I tried to cast a spell with the wand but that was definitely not gonna happen. Instead, I hit the jelly ting with my wand. Then he hit me, I was launched back in pain, but I caught myself before I completely fall. I hit him again and he exploded into yellow jelly. His face flew off the monster and went back to Greenhorne. "Good job my child, you saved that youngster's face," the charm said. I smelled something amazing, "Oh, and take that slime jelly, it's a well-deserved treat." I quickly picked it up and took a small bite, it was like a taste of Heaven. I ran back to Greenhorne just in time to see Rascal's face fly back onto his body. "Oh you saved him, you saved him! However can I thank you? Please take this," Helen handed me 200 gold while crying tears of joy. I headed back out of Greenhorne, but this time I head to the east. "Maddy, my child, I have one more job for you," the charm began talking again. "What is it?" "Will you defeat the vile Dark Lord and save all of Miitopia?" "What!? I can't do that." "Well, I'm afraid you have no say in this matter as you do owe me for saving you back there." "Fine, I guess I'll do it," after that the charm stops glowing and I start walking again. Well, I guess I have to save Miitopia now.

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