Greenhorne Castle

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We walked through Greenhorne, passing all the places we had previously fought monsters in. As we neared the castle I could see its large silhouette, the flags flying high, blowing in the wind. We finally got to the entrence and Ernie was standing guard. He looked so serious all the time, but when me and Vivian were younger he would play dolls with us. We approached him, and he seemed not to reconize me. "You are now nearing Greenhorne Castle..." He paused, and for a moment I though he had realized who I was. But he didn't, "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to enter." He crossed his arms and the stern look on his face grew stronger. I pulled out the paper that Dudley had given me and he snatched it from my hands. He skimmed the paper up and down and returned it to us, "Oh, go on past." We entered the castle grounds the previously grassy ground turned to a clean-cut stone path. We came across two levers and Lilly ran up and pulled the left one. Then the stone wall to our right came down revealing another giant chest. We ran over and pried it open, inside was cool copper armor with pink accents on the sleeves and legs. took it and put it in his bag then we went the other way, past the levers. We continued walking for a while, until I noticed an old pan wearing a powder wig and an orange jumpsuit. He looked straight out of the 1700s, but we slowly approached him. He was sitting at table eating cake with a white bib on. I was very concerned, and the others clearly were too. I was about to ask if he was high but he spoke, "Hello, I am the roaming gourmet Flavio. You must try this heavenly dish," he handed us some of the cake he was eating. We examined it until TJ spoke up, "Dude, this is strawberry cheesecake." We all laughed and Flavio-what a name-gave us a confused look. We just walked away and headed closer to the castle entrance. We were so close to the castle that all the memories of the night came back to me. I wouldn't have made such a big deal, but Prince Webster was rude, annoying, and ugly. I wanted to run away again, but that would only make it worse. I held my head up high and walked through the large castle doors. There was Trevor, standing guard at the king's door. Well, he looked like he was daydreaming more than he was standing guard. I approached him and I could tell that he recognized me because he looked like he had seen a ghost. "What are you doing here?" He whispered. "There's a dark lord on the loose and I have to warn Diamond, but I really don't want to see him again," I whisper-yelled back. The rest of the group looked really confused, so I decided it was time to come clean. "Guys, I'm the princess that ran away a while ago, but it's because my dad was trying to make me marry a 32-year-old prince not because of whatever they're saying in the papers." There was a long silence then, "That's horrible," Lincoln broke it. Trevor stepped away from the door and we entered. Then I saw him, Diamond. He was sitting in his throne, being held up by poor Dex and Pam, eating chicken legs like usual. My head began to hurt and I felt light-headed, I wanted to scream and run out but I controlled my emotions. We walked up to him and Dex and Pam were so surprised that they dropped him. "You really have the nerve to show up?" He yelled. I wanted to cry whenever he yelled at me, but I was in front of people. "I don't care how much I hate seeing you right now, but I care about you. There is a dark lord flying around Greenhorne stealing faces and I think you're next," my eyes began to water. "Oh, what nonsense," he chuckled. Then he burped and his face flew off. I tried to act upset, but I let a few chuckles escape my lips. Dex and Pam started freaking out and screaming at me about how I had to save him. I heard Eve Lee laughing outside the castle and I frowned. We exited the castle just in time to see Eve Lee drop Diamond's face into the Wayward Woods. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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