Chapter 3

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     AN: oh my god... it's been over a year. I had no idea where to go with this story and started school, lost motivation, and all that. But now I'm back! I've really missed this story- it has just been stuck in my head for the past year. I hope to start making chapters longer now and use the new writing skills I learned in this story.If you happen to be reading this now, thank you for doing so♥️
The family arrived at King Francis' palace at noon. Once they stepped out of their carriages, they were welcomed by a female servant. "Welcome to Hammond Palace- please follow me, the King is greatly looking forward to seeing you!" The woman brought them through the large, grey, and gold gates to the palace. Two guards standing next to the entryway opened the doors. Immediately, Anya's eyes were greeted by shimmering marble floors and the gold and crystal chandelier lighting up the room. "Alastor! My old friend, how wonderful it is to see you again!"

"Yes, it is very nice to see you after all this time," Alastor's calm, low voice severely contradicted Francis'. "You know my wife, Amelie, and this is my daughter- Anya" Francis bowed to kiss the two ladies' hands before bringing all of his attention to Anya, "Yes, my betrothed! It is lovely to meet you finally." All she could do was bow her head in response to his greeting.

Anya felt the weight of her skirts begin to get to her and her eyes began to feel heavy. As though on cue, Francis spoke, "I suppose you three are tired from the trip" he toward Anya, "I'll have one of my maids escort you -and your knight- to your bedrooms" At this, the same servant that greeted them stepped in front of the to lead the way. Nicholas offered Anya his arm and the three went on their way.

     After leading them up many stairs and down many halls, the maid finally stopped and pushed open a set of doors. The room held a large, four-post bed- the sheets were black with gold embroidery. There was also a beautiful dresser and closet on the other side of the room. There were another two doors inside of the room- one across from the bed and the other across from the main entry. "This will be your room, My Lady. The door across from you leads to the more homely parts of the castle-you will go through there when it is time for dinner- and that other door leads to a private bathroom for your use." Anya took in the scene. This was the place that she would be waking up in for three months.

     "As for you, Sir, your accommodations are right next door."  Nicholas nodded civilly and the maid left them to get settled. He took a moment to look at the room before addressing Anya, "I should be on my way. I again apologize for acting the way I did, I promise it will not happen again." With that, he left the room and shut the doors quietly behind himself. Anya sighed and laid down- for an hour, she  stared at the ceiling contemplating her situation 'Francis doesn't seem so bad, I most certainly could've ended up with worse...' Her thoughts wandered to her knight- he was the first person to speak to her as though she wasn't the daughter of their king.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in!" Anya called, as she got up and brushed the wrinkles out of her dress.

The doors opened to reveal two male servants. They both wore dark pants with matching waistcoats and tailcoats. The older of the two was carrying Anya's luggage. "Good afternoon, my lady. I am Mr.Bennet, I have been assigned as one of your servants during your stay. Have you settled in alright?"

"Yes, sir, I've settled in perfectly well. This place is very beautiful. "

Mr.Bennnet smiled, the wrinkles around his eyes deepened with the kind look, "I am happy to hear you have settled in well." The other servant- much younger than Mr.Bennet, looked to be early 20s- had stepped forward, his expression was timid, though still welcoming. "Good afternoon, ma'am" His voice was a slightly muffled tenor, "I'm Finnian, I care for the gardens." Anya couldn't help but smile at Finnian. Despite his age, he had a child-like demeanour That was heartwarming. "Oh! and ma'am, the king wanted us to tell you that supper would be early tonight- at 5 o'clock he said."

 Before she was able to respond, there was another knock.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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