Chapter 1

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"Anya! Are you ready to go?"

Anya's attention was drawn away from her book at the sound of her mother's voice. She furrowed her brow and looked at the clock on her dresser. I thought we were going to leave at nine, it is eight-thirty. Despite her confusion, Anya called "I am, mother! Just give me a moment!" She set down her book and left the room while adjusting her dress.

"Good morning, Darling." Anya's mother gave her a sweet smile. Anya smiled back and hugged her mother, "Good morning. Why are we leaving earlier? Does King Francis want us there sooner?" Her mother's brows raised as she let out a gentle laugh "Oh no, your father wanted me to get you into the throne room so he could introduce you to your knight." The answer made Anya more confused "What do you mean my knight?"

"Due to the length of the trip, your father wanted to ensure that you would be safe." Anya should have expected her father to give her a knight to follow her everywhere.

Her mother guided her down the stairs and into the throne room where her father was sitting regally at the end of the large round room. "I was wondering when you two would get here!" King Alastor laughed heartily as he got up. The three met in the centre of the room, "Amelie, have you told Anya about my decision?"

"I have told her about your decision, yes."

Just then, there was a knock at the oversized double doors at the end of the room. The three faced the door as The King yelled "You may enter!"

The doors slowly opened, revealing a tall man in armour. His raven hair was shoulder length and his eyes were a light grey. His armour clanked as he walked toward the royals and got down onto his knee. "My Lord, thank you for giving me the honour of protecting your daughter." He kept his voice low and moved his hand to rest it on his chest.

Alastor chuckled and walked up to him "Nicholas my boy, no need for the formality you're a friend!" Nicholas stood up and shook hands with Alastor. Before Nicholas could speak, The King turned to his daughter "Anya, this is your knight Sir Nicholas, he is my most trusted so I know you'll be completely safe." Nicholas turned to Anya, letting a gentle smile graze his lips. He took her hand and knelt on his knee. Looking into her eyes, he said "My Lady, it is an honour to meet you." He kissed Anya's hand, "Please take this sash as a symbol of my loyalty." Nicholas let go of her hand and opened a pouch at his hip. He pulled out a thick white ribbon with black detailing and held it to her. She gave him a polite smile and carefully took the sash out of his grasp "Thank you, Sir Nicholas." Nicholas got up and nodded at her with a charming smile, his height making her feel vulnerable.

"Now that the two of you are acquainted, we may leave." The two looked away from each other and swiftly followed after the King and Queen.

Endless War: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now