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"So, tell me all the gritty details? How did you two decide to be together?" Sam asked Tommy. They were sitting in a small mom-and-pop restaurant waiting on their food. Sam had called Tommy that morning with an invitation for lunch.

As Sam dug for information, Tommy felt a little comforted that the place was empty. The lunch crowd had all gone along their way leaving a couple servers and a cook, but Tommy still looked around feeling uneasy and conspicuous. Lunch was on the menu, but Sam wanted to feast on the story.

"Well, it was a surprise to both of us, I think. I know it was to me!" Tommy answered quietly, still looking around the restaurant. "We went camping at Lady of the Lake after graduation."

"Holy shit? Really?" Sam interrupted Tommy's thought. "That place has been closed for years! How'd you get in? Isn't that place haunted?" His questions were coming out too fast for Tommy to respond. Sam could easily succeed as a journalist.

Tommy confirmed all of it and told him about the hole in the fence before continuing with his story. "And so we put the tent up on the beach and drank a little before going to bed. I had this," Tommy paused, trying to shed the slight embarrassment he felt and get his words in order. Sam and Tommy had been friends for as long as Tommy and Dan had been. "I had a dream about Dan that night."

"A dream?" Sam questioned curiously as he leaned in for more.

"Uh, yeah. Turned out to be a wet one." Tommy's face flushed red at his confession. He scanned the empty diner again and found it just as empty as the last time.

Tommy recalled his dream to Sam, leaving out some of the explicit, more uncomfortable details. When he was finished, Sam's mouth gaped and his eyes were round as saucers.

"Dammit man!" Sam breathed.

He continued with the story, telling him about Dan's comments, rushing to the lake to hide the sticky evidence, and Dan's near-constant joking that morning.

"I was so uncomfortable when I woke up and realized that I creamed my shorts over a dream. About Dan. All I could do was run to the lake!" He explained to Sam, feeling a familiar stir in his crotch that he got any time he thought about Dan. "I swear I've never thought of him, or any guy like that before." I never looked at you either. Tommy thought as Sam studied his face.

Sam listened, the intensity on his concerted Tommy as he was told how Dan showed his dick from the shore, and how nervous he was when Dan told him to "pan down" later in the day making the little air quotes with his raised hands.

"We spent like four days out there, no one ever saw us. Dan was confident enough in himself to let me do things to him. He started doing things back." Tommy continued feeling less uncomfortable, the octave in his voice slightly higher as he talked.

"That's pretty cool!" Sam admitted. His face still showed his udder shock, but Tommy felt like his words were genuine.

"We spent the time experimenting with each other and coming to terms with what we were doing. We didn't actually become a couple for a while after we left there." Tommy finished that part of his story.

Sam sat unusually quiet for a minute letting all of what he had just heard sink in before he spoke. "I'd never expected that from you guys. But I'm happy for ya!"

Tommy thanked him as he was taking his lunch from the waitress. He set it down and spun it so his BLT was on the front and his fries to the side.
"Remember, no one else knows. Please, please keep this between the three of us for now?" Tommy pleaded with his friend. "Anyway, I'm going with him to Ann Arbor this weekend to check out U of M." Tommy continued. "He's got to be there Friday and Saturday but his parents got him a motel so he wouldn't have to drive back and forth."

Dan and Tommy's Story: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now