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Tommy stirred at the sound of a knock. He blinked several times to clear the sleep from his eyes before he heard the second set of knocks. His eyes still had a bit of haze making him have to squint to read the green numbers on the motel room's digital clock. They slept until eleven thirty!

"Housekeeping" a female voice called out from the other side of the door.

"Shit!" Tommy whispered, "We're still in here!" he yelled louder so his voice would travel through the heavy wooden door. Dan stirred at the sound of his friend's voice.

The female answered back sounding frustrated, "Check out was at eleven. If yous guys are staying another night, you need to see the manager."

Still sleep-dazed and naked, Dan crawled out of the bed, wrapped a towel from the floor around his waist, and walked straight to the door. It didn't occur to Tommy what Dan was doing until he did it.

Dan unlatched the chain lock and the dark room flooded with the bright summer sun, bringing all of their activities from the night before to light. Dust specks floated in while the rays of light cast the ropes and lube laid in plain view on the floor at the foot of the bed.

"Sorry ma'am, we overslept. We'll be out in just a few." Dan told the older woman still clueless about the ramifications of his thoughtlessness.

It wasn't until his eyes adjusted to the mid-day sun that he realized the maid was staring past him to something... someone inside the room. The look on her face was a look of shock and disgust. He turned to figure out what she was looking at.

Tommy, clothed in nothing except the bedding was speechless and his mouth was frozen open. Dan's makeshift BDSM go bag was on the floor; the contents along with one white motel towel were scattered around the bed. Immediately embarrassed, Dan could feel his blood pressure skyrocket turning his face three different shades of red.

That scene and the look on the woman's face suddenly sank in. It only took a second for Dan to realize what was going on. His heart climbed up in his throat as he stuttered, trying to get his words out. All he could gather into intelligible words were "I'm sorry!" as he slammed the door closed.

"Fuck... fuck fuck!" He mumbled at the thought of being caught in a gay scenario.  He quickly threw everything back into the bag, continuously muting profanities. His bending and stooping loosened the tucked corner of his wrap and it fell to the floor making Tommy flash a brief smile.

He was still mumbling foul words when Tommy approached him and reached out to console him. Dan pushed Tommy away and started gathering his clothing off of the floor. Rushing off to the bathroom, he left Tommy speechless standing in the middle of their rented room.

It wasn't until after he had dressed and come back out of the bathroom that he realized what he had just done. Tommy was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head down in his hands. Dan heard the soft sobs coming from his best friend, that just yesterday he had claimed as his.

Dan stood about halfway between the bathroom and the bed where Tommy was crying. His fear and unfocused anger were quickly overtaken by regret for what he had done to Tommy.

It was his own silence that he broke when he started to apologize for pushing Tommy away and running off as he did. "Oh shit Tommy! I'm so sorry!" He forced himself to ignore the quivers he heard in his own voice. He could feel stinging in his eyes as he knelt on the floor in front of Tommy, who was still stark naked sitting on the edge of the bed.

Tommy pulled away when Dan tried to put his arms around him, falling back onto the rumpled covers. With his face turned towards the wall, he mumbled something that, to Dan sounded like leave me alone. His sobs were heavier now and filled the room, his eyes were red and starting to swell from the flow of tears pouring out of them. "Oh god baby, I'm so sorry!" Dan moaned. Under his breath, Tommy heard Dan whisper "I'm so stupid!"

Dan and Tommy's Story: Volume 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum