chapter 3

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Percy POV

I woke up to my mom shaking me.

"Percy wake up we have to call your father" mom spoke in my ear.

"Ok ok I'm getting up." I groaned out.

As I sat up on my bed trying to wake up my mom sat next to me.

"Percy you have to get up because your father is coming over to help you pack, I'm sorry I called him the day you got kicked out and he agreed to take you in, so he is coming over to help you pack." Mom said looking at the floor.

"Ok I'm a little upset you are only telling me about this now, but I'm suddenly feeling alot better about the move." Percy said sarcasticly.

"Dont you take that tone with me, I get that I lied but that is no reason to talk to me that way" Sally said warningly.

"When is dad getting here?" I ask mom turning to look at her.

"20, 30 minutes at most." Mom says looking at me.

As I look around my room I realise that it's not going to be my room anymore, my Nemo duvet, my desk that was my fathers, my lamp is gonna fill light into another space. It hurts a little that this isn't gonna be my room anymore but I'm surprisingly fine with that.

As we are talking I realise that I should call call annabeth to tell her that I'm moving today, so i end the conversation get dressed and call annabeth.

"Hey percy what's up" annabeths voice rings out through the phone.

"Hey can we get grover on the call I have some news to say to the both of you." I say to annabeth a little bit sad.

"Yeah of course, just give me a sec. Annabeth says taking the phone away from her ear.

As I wait I start think about what my new life would be like, i find myself doing this often even though I'm not really excited for it to happen.

Suddenly I'm pulled from my thoughts as i here Grover enter the call.

"What's wrong perse."grover says into the phone. He always had a feel for peoples emotions, it was like he had telekinetic powers and he could only read emotions.

"Um well you guys might not like this, I just got told I'm moving today, can yall come help me pack." I say to them.

"Wait wait wait, back up, your moving today, and need us to help you pack." Annabeth says trying to fully understand the situation.

"Yeah you pretty much summed it all up" I say back.

"Yeah man, we will be there, 15 minutes sound good to you?" Grover asks

"Yeah man that sounds great, you will get here before Poseidon does." I say into the phone.

"Wait Poseidon's coming over, why?" annabeth asks.

"Well apparently my mom already called him when I got kicked out, and he agreed to take me in. So now I'm going to go live with him at the new school." I say sighing at the end of it.

"Well I guess we could always visit going by bus, or by cab but that would take hours." Annabeth reasons.

"I guess that's good, or percy could just get Poseidon to drive him down for the weekend." Grover counters.

"Both very good options, maybe we could alternate between the two." I say.

"Ok well I have to go because yall have to get ready and get here and I have to buy boxes and tape from the store, so I'm gonna go I will see yall soon bye" i say as i end the call.

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