chapter 1

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A lone teen boy sat on a bench smirking while leaning his head against the wall behind the bench, the teen had a head of messy black hair, perfect teeth and a handsome jawline. This boy was percy jackson.

Percy wasnt your normal kid he was special, could never sit still in class, always causing trouble, playing pranks on teachers and students alike.

Which is why he is currently sitting in the office waiting to see the principal for the 7th time this year, he had just pulled the biggest prank he had done at this school.

He had filled the fire alarm sprinklers in the library with paint, and pulled the alarm. It was glorious, but he ruined all the books and would probably have to go to court for community service hours, and alot of them.

Percy was suddenly ripped from his thoughts when the door to the office was ripped open to reveal his mom standing there with a look that unsettled percy with the disappointment behind it.

"Percy what did you do this time?" Sally his mom asked while walking over to the bench.

"Nothing they can prove" percy says to his mom smirking a mischievous smirk.

His mom sighed and sat down next to percy.

"Percy you have to stop doing this, or soon we will run out of schools to send you to" his mom explained to him with a grim face

"I'm sorry mom, but the other time when grover was being insulted for his crutches what was I supposed to do, not break his hand?" He said to his mom.

Before Sally could speak the principal office door opened and called for them inside.

As they were walking in percy took a look at there surroundings.

Principal laiken's office was about as boring as an elaphants dick, big but boring.

It had so much room and he did nothing with it, and for some reason that made percy angry, plain white walls filled the room, he said it was so that the students could imagine whatever color they wanted.

A table sitting in the corner with two chairs sitting at the table a couple of photos hang on the walls one of his daughter as a baby laughing, another of his wife and him smiling at the Camera. On the desk lay two more photos one of an ultra sound which he assumes is probably his daughter's ultrasound, the other photo is a big family photo with everyone in his family.

A couple of chairs sit in front of the desk and we sit in them as principal laiken goes around to sit behind the desk.

"So mr.Jackson I'm sure you know why you are here right now." Mr laiken starts off.

"Nope I have no clue" percy said sarcasticly looking at the principal.

"Well mr.Jackson as you know the library was recently, damaged and we suspect you of doing so. Do you have anything before to say for yourself? Principal laiken says leaning back into his chair.

"Principal laiken, if I may, percy has done pranks before but nothing this serious, before this the worst thing he had done was put thumb tacts on his teachers chair when the went to help another student. What makes you think percy did this?" Sally said.

"Well mrs.Jackson we have evidence of percy pulling the fire alarm for no reason, even if he didnt put the paint in the sprinklers he was still an accomplice to this." As principal laiken said this he swung a lap top around that he had gotten out during conversation. On the screen of the laptop showed percy pulling the fire alarm.

As percy was caught he dropped the act of innocent.

"Ok maybe I did do this, but your not getting any names or whatever from me" percy said crossing his arms.

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