chapter 2

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Percy POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DESTROYED THE LIBRARY "Annabeth screamed in my ear as I finished my story.

"Well at the time I thought it would be a great prank, I didn't know I would get expelled for it, I thought I would just have to do some community service hours or something." I said back to a seething Annabeth.

"Well I mean, yeah it was kinda a good prank but you made the books suffer and i will never forgive you for that." Annabeth said while glaring at me the entire time

"Ok putting that aside, what school do you go to now, cause the only ones left are the military school in Maine, the private school in queens or the school across the state." Grover says changing the subject which I'm thankful for but he brings up another uncomfortable subject.

"I think that I'm going to the one across the state, I don't know the name of it yet, and I will have to live with my dad and his family while I go there." I respond to Grover's uncomfortable question.

"Well dam (heh) Percy, how are we supposed to be friends if you move all the way out there? "Annabeth questions.

"Hey calm down, I will still visit on the weekends, and we can do stuff then like go to movies, or egg houses, you know stuff we like to do."I try to calm Annabeth from her panic attack.

"And I'm not even sure if that's happening that way, hell they could send me to the military school in Maine, but then I wouldn't have my phone to text or call y'all, that would suck so this is the best option I can think of, right guys" I say to them.

"Well I guess it's the best option out of all the others" Annabeth say out Into the air not really speaking to anyone.

" the only problem I see with this is that I have to live with my dad" I say

"Well it wont be that bad, I mean Poseidon is reasonable and he is the swim coach. Life wont be that hard at the other school." Grover assures me.

"Yeah but his wife and son hate my guts. They glare at me whenever I'm near unless were at events or something. "I complained to my friends.

"Well I'm sure they will warm up to you once they get to know you." Annabeth says reassuringly.

"Yeah man your great everyone likes you, you will do fine at his house and in school. "Grover says.

As I was about to respond I heard my mom yelling through the apartment.

"KIDS DINNER" moms voice rang through the apartment.

As we rush down the stairs we found lasagna on the table with plates spread around it.

The kitchen/dining room was painted a light tan with dark wood cabinets that made up for it aesthetic wise. The table in the middle of the room was a nice dark color that could split In half and extend to make the table bigger, it wasn't in its extended form now but it could do that.

"Come sit down kids, Percy we will talk after dinner, ok?" Mom said. She phrased it like a question but it was more of a statement.

I gulped as I realize I was either about to get told I was going to live with my dad or I was getting sent to Maine.

"Ok" I reply looking down at my plate.

As we eat dinner Annabeth converses with my mom and Paul, she was always really smart and could always talk to adults without and hitch in the conversation. We dated for a little bit but broke up after we realized we didn't work together, but we remained good friends afterward.

As dinner finishes and Grover and Annabeth left, mom and Paul sat me down.

"Percy, we cant send you too another school, but your father has a school near him that will take you, so we are sending you to live with him for the school year, of course you can visit when ever you need to, whether that is to visit Annabeth and Grover, get stuff from your room, just know that you can visit whenever." Mom said with Paul interjecting from time to Time.

"So your sending me to dad?" I question kinda hurt.

"Yes. "Sally replies "but don't think it means we love you any less, we just don't have anymore schools for you to go to here."

"Well I cant say I wasn't expecting it, Annabeth calls me a seaweed brain but that's only because I don't pick up on social cues." Percy said.

"But hey, at least there is a chance for new beginnings" Percy said a little sadly.

"Well that's all we have to say right now Percy, we will call your father tomorrow and see about you moving in." Sally said.

"Ok well I will be in my room if you need me." Percy said just wanting to leave at this point.

As Percy walked to his room he checked his phone.

He had several messages from Annabeth and Grover from before they came over.

As he walked into his room he crashed into his bed and went on Spotify to put on his music playlist that consists of chase Atlantic, girl in red, green day, fallout boy, Conan gray, before surfing through Instagram.

He had a few laughs, a few sad moments. But eventually he got tired and feel asleep while listening to music.


As I woke up I realized I had fallen asleep while listening to fallout boy. But I woke up to "into it" by chase Atlantic.

As I got up my head started to hurt like crazy.

As I went to the bathroom to get some Advil I passed Paul in the hallway he looked to have just woken up and was on his way for coffee.

After I took the Advil I made my way to the kitchen where i found mom and Paul talking over coffee and blue pancakes. As I rushed to get some blue pancakes mom slapped my hand away before I could grab some.

"No pancakes until you've done your morning routine, Percy." Mom said

I groaned when I realized I would have to brush my teeth, change clothes, shower, put dirty clothes in laundry basket and clean my room.

As I went to do the chores I tried to think about what would happen when I moved and with the new school.

As I thought about this I realized I would have to go through the pain of registering again, choosing classes, making new friends, it would be hell.

And loving with my dad would be a pain, he is a great guy but he would be trying to do stuff with me and it would just be really awkward for me to be there.

And his family hates me, his wife Amphitrite she is nice only when out in events like family diner where we go out, or when we go somewhere as a family, otherwise she hates my guts.

Triton his other son hates me because he thinks I'm trying to push him out of the way for the title of dads favorite son.

But there is one light in this dark tunnel, my half brother Tyson, he is the youngest of us but he is the biggest and softest of us, he is just a joy to have around, always telling jokes making people laugh.

As I'm think about all this I realize I. Almost done with my routine.

As I finish I got back into the kitchen and grab my blue pancakes.

As I sit down at the table I realize everyone is gone, Paul went off to work and I don't know where mom is.

"Well, I guess I'm alone now" i said out loud.

"Screw it, I'm going back to sleep" I said.

After finishing my pancakes I went back to my room and crashed on my bed face first and fell asleep.

Hey, how was that, I feel that I'm writing these chapters short but I not sure what to do next in the story to get where I want it to go.

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