He slowly nodded.

"Mhm. But I wanna keep watching..."

You started to maneuver him around so that his head would lay down on your lap.

"I know, but sleep is very important, Tobio. You need it to grow big and strong so you can play volleyball!"

Your reasoning seemed satisfactory to him, and he started to let himself drift off.

"Nii-chan... do you think I'll be able to do that one day?"

You smiled gently as you soothingly pat his head,
"Of course,"

When you started to hear him snore, you picked him up, bringing him back to the club room.


Although the children always left you feeling so tired that you could disassemble like a Lego building, you couldn't deny that they were very cute and endearing, and you wouldn't mind being an older brother to them all.

"No fair! I want to spend the whole time with Nii-chan too!"

You chuckled as your younger brother slumped himself on your back, resting his head on your shoulder.

"You always get to spend time with me, Tooru,"

He whined,
"But that's different! You never take me to watch volleyball!"

You couldn't argue with him there. Well, I mean you could, and you had a good excuse too. There was never a good time for you to take him to watch the highschool team practice, or to watch any of their games. It always clashed with his bedtime or school, but if you could, you'd definitely take him.

"Stupid Nii-chan!"

He stormed off to his room, presumably to go to sleep in anger.

You followed him there, and got into your bed.

"I'm sorry Tooru. Good night,"

You just heard him huff in response, and decided that you'd deal with this problem later.

That morning your younger brother decided to give you the silent treatment, only responding in angry huffs, nods, and head shakes.

You opened the front door,
"You ready to go to school?"

He gave you an angry look, grabbing your hand.

You made it to his friends house, where he greeted you with a hug.

"Morning Hajime,"

Tooru let go of your hand, now reaching for Hajime's.

"We can go the rest of the way ourselves!"

He started running with his friend, and you did your best to silently follow them, doing everything to make sure they couldn't see you.

As soon as you saw them get to school safely, you bolted away in the other direction, not wanting to be late to your class.

"He's mad at you? Really? You two are so close, it almost doesn't seem possible for him to get angry with you!"

You sighed, poking at your food,
"Yeah normally he doesn't get too mad, but this time is different I guess. He was right though, I should've made the time to bring him to a game,"

Your friend stared at you with annoyance,
"It's totally not your fault! You're always somehow managing your schoolwork and taking care of him at the same time! Of course you wouldn't have that many opportunities to take him!"

Volleyball babysitter (little Haikyuu + M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now