Chapter 1: The Wedding

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A thunder storm raged outside a dark castle. Heavy fog fell over the building and the iron gate of the outer wall creaked as it opened.

The entrance to the castle had green mist, and gnarled trees by the door, which was a revolving door, and above it held the initials 'H.T.'

Right inside of the castle, a spider dangled from the ceiling and blinked its piercing red eyes. It rose back up in the air to the ceiling that had a massive web on it.

Words were interwoven in the web, and they read:



The hotel was busy being decorated for Maven and (Y/n)'s wedding.

Two zombies rolled out a pristine white carpet that lead to the entrance of the hotel. The zombies smiled at their work, before several monsters walked over the carpet getting it all dirty.

Dracula was dressed up and was greeting everyone who came.

"Welcome! Welcome!" He greeted the abominable snowman.

The snowman grabbed his hands and shook them. "Congrats Drac! Holy smokes, everybody's here." He commented.

A group of five humans entered the hotel looking very nervous and creeped out.

"Mr. and Mrs. Loughran. The parents of the bride, and family." A suit of armor announced.

Upon hearing that, all the monsters stopped and stared at them.

Two people squeezed their way through the crowd to greet them. It was Johnny and (Y/n).

Johnny was wearing a white undershirt, a red bow tie, with a black suit jacket, black shorts, and black sneakers and socks.

"Mom and Dad!" Johnny greeted, embracing his family.

"Hey everybody!" (Y/n) exclaimed, joining the hug.

"Johnny! (Y/n)!" Their mom, Linda, embraced them back.

"I can't believe you're all here." (Y/n) said happily.


Johnny was adjusting the bow tie on his backpack as his brothers stood behind him poking at Blobby. Maven appeared next to them and all the groomsmen and the groom posed for a picture.

(Except Maven didn't show up on camera, but we're moving on.)


(Y/n) applied lipstick to a squid lady with multiple tentacles and the rest of her bridesmaids stood around her. Once she was done, they all posed for a picture.


Next, (Y/n) and Maven's family all took a picture together. Johnny and his family stood on the left, and Dracula stood on the right.

Maven and (Y/n) stood in the middle, and Maven snagged (Y/n) around her waist and pulled her towards him as they all faced the camera.


Everyone was in their seats with Wayne and Wanda's wolf pups running around like crazy.

The alter had an archway of flowers, and a white carpet leading up to it. Behind the alter, were several see through sheets that had twinkling lights embedded into them.


Murray was fawning over his female mummy date and turned to brag to Griffin.

"Yo, how hot is my date?" He asked.

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