Chapter 3: The Deciding Encounter

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Inko drove home with her son silently, still sweating at how powerful her previously little green bean had become. The sun was starting to fall over the horizon, the city already surprisingly quiet as she thought to herself.

How has my Izuku gotten so strong? What could have happened to awaken his quirk like this? He said something about Bakugo... But what did he mean by that? She enquired to herself. In the distance, she heard a loud explosion, and it seemed Izuku noticed it too, because he opened the door and hopped out, growing wings and flying over to the sound. Inko screeched to halt, dumbfounded at what had just happened. "Wha- HEY!!" She shouted after the flying Izuku, getting out of the car. "I- sigh I hope he won't get himself into trouble..." She muttered to herself, getting back in the car and continuing to drive home.

Meanwhile, Izuku landed on top of a building overlooking the scene of the assumed villain attack. And he was correct in assuming it as a villain attack, as there appeared to be a man with a quirk apparently able to create dynamite, holding a hostage situation. Izuku's eyebrows went up seeing him use his quirk. "I wonder if that doctor was right about me being able to copy quirks?" He muttered to himself, before focusing, and then a stick of dynamite popped out of his hand. "Wonderful!" He lit it using an old lighter he found on the rooftop, before, tossing it down to the villain, and then growing wings again, flying away. "Such a shame. I'm sure he could have been a better villain if he used his quirk better. Well, I can do that for him... Hahahaha!!" He laughed as he flew, heading back towards his home with a new glint 8n his eyes.

He landed softly, and entered. "No one's home. It seems I've gotten here before Mom." He walked over to the couch kitchen, making himself some tea before sitting down and taking a sip. 4 minutes later, Inko stomped through the door, an annoyed expression on her face, although Izulu just flashed her a smile, and she sighed, calming down. "So what did you even do?" Inko asked Izuku, sitting down next to him. "Just watched that villain attack. The guy had a dynamite quirk, allowed him to create dynamite from his palms. He would've made a great hero, I wonder what pushed him to being a criminal." Izuku said semi-excitedly.

Inko sighed, before getting up to make her own tea. "Well you could've at least said something before you just... hopped out of the car." Izuku shook his head before replying. "No, I couldn't have. You would have stopped me, hehehe." He said with a chuckle, standing up and finishing his tea, placing the cup down on the table. "Well, I'm going to head outside for a bit. I don't think I need sleep anyways." Before Inko could say anything, he had already left. Instead of trying to chase after him, Inko just blinked and then returned to what she was doing.

Outside the house, Izuku immediately grew his wings again, and flew into the sky, high above everything else, enjoying the feeling of the wind against his body. "Ah~ This feeling is amazing! To think I was just a quirkless reject less then a day ago... AHAHAHAHA!! I'll show Bakugo his place tomorrow... Although not at school." He said with a grin, having stopped his flight, not just hovering above the city, planning how the next day would go.

He then simply landed on the ground, retracting his wings and walking around, thinking about his abilities, although accidentally out loud. "So I'm practically immortal, my body evolves to match any situation, I have superhuman senses, and can replicate the biology of all known life on Earth, including quirks... Heh. I guess I am pretty powerful..." He then glared at someone he noticed was watching him from an alleyway, surprised to see what appeared to be a bunch of purple smoke with yellow eyes, wearing nice looking clothes. "You can confront me, Mr. Warp Gate." He said. The smog-like man did a double-take, wondering how he knew his quirk, before stepping from the shadows.

"Hello there, Izuku Midoriya. My name is Kurogiri. I've heard about your Quirk and... wanted to investigate for myself. I do have to ask though, how did you know my Quirk?" Kurogiri asked, still shocked that he knew.

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