Chapter 1: The Awakening

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As a child, Izuku was always fascinated with biology, and the evolution it took to get to the point it had gotten to now. His room, instead of being decorated with hero merchandise like any other kid his age, was filled with graphs he could barely understand, and terrariums filled with all varieties of nature. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed as Quirkless, so his interests were immediately deemed strange by his peers at school, and was bullied.

It was the end of the day at Aldera Junior High, and the bushy green-haired cinnamon roll was packing up his things. As he did this, his so-called "best friend" Bakugo was watching him with ruby-red eyes, a malicious smirk on his face and an evil glint in his irises.

Izuku rose after putting his belongings back into his yellow bag, muttering to himself about his plans for the evening, unintelligible  to everyone but himself. "I can't wait to get home! I just got a real volcano snail shell delivered, and there's so much to find out!" As indecipherable as his muttering was, it was clear he had something good planned, as he practically radiated excitement.

This irked Bakugo, as his slight evil grin devolved into an annoyed scowl, his palms itching to let off an explosion. How DARE that quirkless nerd get so excited! What's he even excited about!? And doesn't he know what day it is? It's Friday, and that means double beating! Bakugo thought angrily to himself, rising from his seat.

Izuku made his way towards the door of the room with a grin, unaware of the explosive threat that lurked behind him. He reached towards the door handle, before he was thrown into the wall by an explosive push. After feeling the familiar sting of Bakugo's explosions, all of the positive feelings he had built up were quickly outweighed tenfold by the bottled up anger and hatred he felt against his assailant coming back to the surface.

"Ugh... What do you want, Bakugo?" Izuku practically growled, venom dripping from his tone in gallons, his hatred.

"Hehehe... The quirkless freak thinks he can talk back, huh? Well, time for discipline!" Bakugo yelled at Izuku, throwing another explosion and making him land on his stomach, before delivering several kicks to his side, Izuku grunting in pain with each blow. He thought he heard something snap in his chest at one point.

Despite once acknowledging Katsuki Bakugo as a trusted friend, he had long lost any admiration for the explosive teen, let alone the respect-filled 'Kacchan' nickname he once gave him. This had happened shortly after he was diagnosed quirkless, and Bakugo began treating him like a punching (and exploding) bag.

Bakugo's relentless beatdown continued for a few minutes. At one point a teacher rushed in to identify the situation, but after seeing it was Izuku getting tossed around like a ragdoll, the teacher smirked and left silently.

"WEll!? You feel like talking back now, Quirkless freak!?" Bakugo practically screamed at Izuku. The room was trashed, desks thrown around, floors cracked, and walls dented, but Izuku was even more beat up. His uniform was burnt and ripped into many places, and he was bleeding from practically every place you could think of. On the inside, several bones were probably broken. Izukj only groaned in pain in response, unable to express his hatred for the blonde haired boy. The anger built and built inside of him, stacking higher then ever before, when suddenly he felt something snap. Not physically, mentally, as if some sort of barrier or dam had been broken.

As he felt this, a massive headache occurred causing his pain to become even more intense. Old wounds reopened suddenly, and his current ones bled more, and he waited in pain as red cracks began spreading across his body with haste, beams of pale red light pouring from those cracks. Bakugo took a step back, trying to identify what was happening.

"What the fuck!? What's going on? WHAT DID YOU DO, DEKU!?" Bakugo shouted as he stepped further and further back, watching the cracks slowly consume Izuku, before his entire body was enveloped in the red light shining brightly, briefly blinding the teen. "AGH!!" He shouted trying to clear his vision. He heard the sound of Izuku chuckling amusedly, and got passed again.

When his vision returned, Bakugo gulped nervously at the sight infront of him. Izuku was standing up with a smirk, his wounds and scars gone. His top appeared to have been destroyed, but luckily his pants were spared. His hair had grown long and even messier, and his body looked like he had been working out for years. Not only that, but he was a full foot taller then before, actually standing above Bakugo's height. Bakugo screamed at this sudden transformation.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!! W-WHO ARE YOU!?" Bakugo panicked, very out of character. He was saying he thought Izuku's new form was someone else, but he knew the truth deep down, and wasn't sure how to react to his punching bag looking like some who could best his ass.

Izuku only chuckled in response, walking and grabbing his things. "It's rude to scream just because I look a little different, Bakugo. What do I look like? An alien? Whatever you see me as, I'm still Izuku. Just... Better. Hahaha!!" Izuku laughed with newfound confidence, before walking out of the classroom, leaving behind a speechless Bakugo.

---------- 10 Minutes Later ----------

Izuku walked down the street with confidence, despite the fact that his shirt was missing, and that there were people around, a lot of those people taking pictures, most of the females having bleeding noses. He then entered into his small little apartment. When he walked in, he called out to his mom, forgetting he looked almost completely different then before. "Mom! I'm home!"

His mother, Inko popped out from the kitchen the greet him, but her emerald eyes fell upon his new body, and she blushed, covering her face to try and prevent a nosebleed, speaking slightly muffled through her hand. "I-Izuku!? Is that really you!? W-What happened?"

Izuku blinked in confusion at her actions before realizing why she was doing what she was doing. Am... Am I really THAT different? Nice. Izuku nodded in response to her first question. "Yes mom, it is. I'm not sure what happened to be honest. Bakugo was beating me again, and then I suddenly transformed into this. Maybe it's a quirk!?" He theorized excitedly, before Inko interrupted. "W-We'll go to the Quirk doctor to check... but could you put on some proper clothes? And brush your hair!" She exclaimed, Izuku nodding and rushing away to do the requested tasks.

Once Izuku was out of view and busy, Inko removed her hand from her mouth and nose, wiping away the blood from her nose and allowing a moment for her flushed cheeks to cool down, sighing. "Phew... What was that!? I can't believe I had that reaction to my own son!" She sighed again, before calling the quirk doctor. "Hello! Yes, I'd like to schedule an appointment for later today?"


And that brings us to the end of our first chapter of my first story! Please tell me if you liked it! If you didn't like it! If you have a suggestion!

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