angsty bot works through emotions

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The autobot base was completely different then what starscream was used to. It made him miss the decepticon base, which was a strange feeling. How could he miss being constantly beat up and bullied?

He missed the authority he had? No that couldn't be it. He never had any anyways.

He missed the constant fighting? Hah, no way. Sure, the peace here was certainly different then what starscream was used to, but the fighting had always annoyed him.

He missed the familiarity of the decepticon base. He knew how to behave, what to say, what to do.

Here? He was just in the way. A clumsy, angry con who didn't fit in. He never knew what to do. He didn't know how to speak to these bots. Besides this week, they'd only ever spoken over a blade being drawn in battle.

He never thought he would be here. Helping autobots. Abandoned by his own kind. What a strange and horrible feeling. He hated this.

The autobots hated him as well. Especially hotshot. Glaring at him with any chance he had.

Not to mention the humans who were constantly underfoot. He wondered if the autobots ever got annoyed with how useless they were. Starscream believed them being here was not only annoying, but also an accident waiting to happen.

What would the humans do if one if own of their got stepped on? His guess was they would rat them out to the other humans immediately. The autobots were too naive to realise, he was sure about it.

Thoughts of all kind ran through his mind as he sat there. Unsure of what to do.

A small human girl wandered up to him, and stood in front of him. It took starscream a second to realize she was there, but when he spotted her, he frowned.

"What?" He muttered angrily.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously. Tilting her head a little bit.

"Thinking." He grumbled.

"About what?"

"A lot of things. Why do you care?"

"You looked sad."

This made starscream pause. Never, in a million years, would he have thought he would ever be in such a strange situation. He looked sad? Thats why she dared to talk to him? He was a giant metal alien, who could crush her. But she talked to him, because he looked . . . Sad?

"It doesn't matter anyway."

"But it does. Everybody needs somebody to talk to when their sad."

"Your brave, aren't you?" He decided to switch the topic.

"Me brave? You think so?"

"Your talking to me, so, yes."

She chuckled. "Yeah, I guess I am. . ."

They fell silent. Alexis didn't know what to say to him. He was a decepticon, after all. But he seemed so lonely. She wondered if he ever had someone to talk to, about anything other then war. Did decepticons have friends?

"What's it like?"

"Your going to have to explain further."

"To be here, in the autobot base. To work for them?"

He frowned. "Terrible." He put simply. No need to get into the details.

"What's so terrible about it?" She stood wide eyed in front of him, curious. What a strange creature.

"It's different then what I'm used to. It's something I never suspected would ever happen, to be allied with the autobots. It's just a strange concept."

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