Spell Damage and Tight Jeans

Start from the beginning

'Erm... hello,' I turned to Healer Baird. He was a middle-aged wizard with thick, greying hair and a full beard. His face was square and his middle was round. He was wearing glasses and a lime green uniform identical to that of Healer Bidelspach's. 'I'm Healer Fal... erm Weasley.'

He offered me his hand and I took it. He shook it firmly and maintained eye contact. It was an extremely intimidating experience.

'Healer Baird,' he said in a deep voice. 'Healer-in-charge of this ward.'

'Healer Weasley, I wondered if I might have a quick word before I leave you with Healer Baird,' Healer Bidelspach said to me.

'Oh, erm... aye,' I nodded and followed her down the corridor out of earshot of the nurses and Healer Baird.

'I just wondered if you've given any thought to your progress in the Healing programme,' she said softly. 'I understand that things have changed since you began and now that you've had a couple of weeks to think things over, I wondered how you were feeling about completing the programme.'

I took a deep breath. I had given the matter a great deal of thought over the Christmas break. I hadn't really discussed it much with George, I didn't really know what my options were. I wanted to finish, and I knew that George would support me no matter what.

'Will I be able to finish?' I asked her.

'Oh, certainly,' she nodded enthusiastically. 'Healer Weasley, you were the top of the class during the theoretical portion of the course, it would be an absolute pity if we lost you.'

'Well, what are my options?' I asked, feeling my face flush at her comment.

'When is your due date?' She asked.

'Early June,' I replied.

'Well, you should be able to complete this block. You may lose a few weeks, but I'm sure it won't be an issue with Healer Baird considering the circumstances,' she mused. 'I wouldn't worry if you had to cut it short, you have more practical experience than the other three anyway. I would suggest taking the next six-month block off and then we can meet again this time next year and discuss your options.'

'I can take a leave like that?' I asked incredulously.

'Of course,' she raised her eyebrows at me. 'We really would hate to lose a Healer like you, you have such potential.'

'Erm... alright,' I nodded slowly. 'I'll discuss it with my husband, but I really would like to finish.'

'Jolly good,' she smiled and offered me her hand. I shook it. 'Have a good first day back, Healer Weasley.'

It was extremely odd to be called both Healer and Weasley and knowing that was my name. It would take a lot of getting used to.

Healer Bidelspach left the ward and I walked back up to the nurses' station where Healer Baird was still waiting for me.

'I hear you're pregnant,' he said gruffly. I had to hold back a snort. He didn't beat around the bush, I thought dryly to myself.

'Erm... aye, that's correct, Healer Baird,' I maintained eye contact with him. I had a feeling he was someone that could intimidate others very easily. I didn't want him to think I was someone easily intimidated. I knew what I was doing, I would prove it to him.

'With twins?' He asked, raising an eyebrow.

'Aye, sir,' I nodded curtly.

'When is your due date?' He asked.

'The seventh of June, sir,' I replied as cooly as I could.

'We'll be cutting it close,' he said with a curt nod. 'Right, we'd best get started. This is the Framboise Paré ward, I have been Healer-in-charge here for five years. Here, we treat acute, reversible spell damage from improperly cast impediment jinxes to accidentally transfigured limbs. Any short-term damage from jinxes, hexes, charms, and curses comes here. The key is that the cause is reversible. Any spell damage with irreversible causes is sent next door to the Dai Llewellyn ward where our long-term residents reside.'

The Healer | Part 3: The SurvivorsWhere stories live. Discover now