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Shawn had made no effort during the week to "be there for me".

I'm not saying I was expecting to wake up in the morning to an invitation to hang out, but maybe something? We have had a handful of small conversations in the Student Union while I'm on shift, but that's about all.

On Thursday, he did ask me to go to the drive in with him on Friday. It's 7pm on Friday now and he's supposed to pick me up in 30 minutes.

I got ready just in case he shows up and have been hiding in my room.

Shawn suggested a new scary movie that's coming out, fitting because Halloween is next weekend.

"Ophelia," Keith yells from behind my door.

Fuck, not now.

I open my door and walk out, preparing myself.

"Shawn's here for you."

Excuse me? I look at the front door and Shawn's standing there smiling. He gives me a slight wave and I look back at Keith. He doesn't even look mad.

"I'll be home later," the words leave my mouth in an unsure tone as I walk outside.

"Alright, have fun. See you later." Keith shuts the door behind me.

We walk towards what looks to be Jack's car, Shawn opens the door for me and we're soon off towards the drive-in theater.

"I told him I was Chet's kid," Shawn explains Keith's odd behavior. Normally if a boy is mentioned around the father the word "slut" is thrown around a couple of times.

"Makes sense."

We make a left into the parking area, "He said, 'Chet's boy, he's a good man'."

"You know what they say, douchebags attract douchebags."

Out of nowhere, the realization hits me. I thought this was gonna be a group thing, seeing as Cory, Topanga and Shawn are attached at the hip. But it's only Shawn and I. "Are the others coming?"

"Nope, just us. I invited them but they have date night tonight." Shawn parks and turns the radio onto the channel that will allow us to actually hear the movie. "Speaking of, we are having a party at our place tomorrow night, will you come? It's not going to be anything huge, but we would like you to come."

"Uh, yeah sure. I'll be there." I mentally remind myself to figure out if I can stay somewhere else tomorrow night.

There's probably a half hour or so that goes by in an awkward silence. We both keep sneaking glances at each other, pretending that we don't see the other looking.

I don't think I've paid attention at all to the movie, that could be because our arms have been touching since the beginning.

As always, the thought pushes itself into the front of my mind. Why did he ask me to come? He didn't just ask to get coffee or lunch, he asked me to the drive-in.

The drive-in that is notorious for being a hookup spot. Did he ask me with the impression we would hookup? I wouldn't mind if he tried to. Shawn's very easy to look at. And his hair. I won't pretend I've never wondered what it felt like.

I guess I got brave. I turned in my seat to face Shawn completely, bringing one of my legs up on the seat, allowing me to lean over easily.

"What?" Shawn is completely oblivious.

I don't know why, but I lean forward and take Shawn's face in my hands and kiss him. There's a beat until he kisses me back and as fast as the kiss happened, it ends- he pushes me away.

Maybe I should have thought twice about my sudden bravery?

"Why did you do that?" Shawn asks through his shocked face.

"Why did you ask me to come here? We're both famous for sleeping around, you don't want to get it over with?"

Shawn runs his hands through his hair, almost stressed. "That's not why I asked you to see a movie with me. I'm here to let you know that I'm here for you!"

"Why can't you be there for me in more ways than one?" I almost lean forward again, actually missing the feeling of his lips on mine.

"Like Eric is?"

"Do you not fucking listen? How many times do we have to tell you that Eric and I are friends?" I start to get a little mad. Maybe from the rejection, maybe from the comment.

"Why are you getting mad at me? You kissed me, not vice versa. Not everyone wants to hang out with you just to hookup." Shawn faces the steering wheel again.

We sit in another awkward silence until I apologize, "I'm sorry, okay. I'm not used to situations like this. I'm also sorry because I wasn't thinking about Angela. You guys just broke up."

I respect Angela. She's a sweet girl who has good intentions for everyone. I can't believe I would jump onto the kid that just got broken up with, too. He was obviously hurt the other night talking about it.

Shawn starts the vehicle and we leave early. We listen to the static of the radio, neither of us changed it after we left the premises.

We arrive outside of my trailer and I'm about to open the door when Shawn finally speaks again, "I like you, Ophelia, and I do want to get to know you better. Maybe one day I will be there for you in more ways than one, but I don't want our relationship to start off like that. Starting off by hooking up at the drive-in is not my idea of a good start."

I nod, getting out and shutting the door behind me. I walk around and stand on the drivers side, signaling for him to roll down his window.

"Eric and I aren't anything. We've hooked up once, we probably never will again. But he really is just a good friend. It's platonic and I need you to understand that. Thank you for tonight, Shawn. I'm sorry for kissing you, and I hope one day you won't push me away as fast as you did tonight. Goodnight."

I walk back inside and shut the door behind me.

"How was the movie?" Keith asks from the couch, with no beers open around him. Odd.

"It was... good?" I am not completely sure how to have a normal conversation with my dad. It just seems wrong.

"That's good," Keith gets up from his spot and walks right past me. "I'm gonna go to bed early tonight, I've got an early day tomorrow."

An early day doing what? Not that I've ever cared when he was going to bed or not.

Is he changing? Hard to believe when every time I look in the mirror, the fading bruise and healing cut on my face is staring back at me.

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