Chapter 3: What have I gotten myself into?

Start from the beginning

"Just you remember, that I'm not Sssithraa...I won't be asss easily defeated if any thoughtsss of treachery ssshould come to you."

"Hah, please! I've made a call back there at the caves, and no matter what you think, I intend to stick to it...for better or worse." He answered confidently while crossing his arms, making no attempt to keep his voice down.

Skales stared at him wordlessly, assessing if it was worth the risk of leaving him in charge of the tribe. Not that it mattered, since he had already made the announcement, and it wouldn't be a good look to back away from it so suddenly.

"Just watch yourself, Mezmo," Skales muttered as a final goodbye, before turning around and slithering away again. As he did, the group once again started muttering with each other, while Mezmo stood silently, watching Skales as he was leaving. Meanwhile, Slithraa made his way through the crowd and walked over to the proud snake.

"Don't even try," Memzo said harshly before Slithraa even had the chance to speak.

"I didn't support your removal from power, just to put you right back the moment opportunity shows itself,"

Slithraa stood slightly speechless, considering what to say to get back at the old snake. But surprisingly enough, he decided to let it go, and instead sighed in disapproval.

"Do you truly think ssso little of me? Not that it mattersss. Just to be clear, I have no intention of taking back the position of General."

"Really? Why not? You were a good General...for a time. And I would expect you to want revenge on Skales for humiliating you in the Slither Pit." Mezmo said quite brazenly, making Slithraa wonder whether he was encouraging him, or just stating his thoughts.

"Oh please, I was done being General sssome time ago. Right now, I quite enjoy being free from all those responsibilitiesss that followed that accursed staff."

Slithraa then turned his head to look at Skales, who soon would disappear from view.

"Though I'm sssure he will find out sssoon enough." He said, somewhat cryptically, making Mezmo give him a confused look, before shaking his head and turning to face the crowd.

"All right everyone, you all heard the General! Get moving, we're going back to the tomb!"

Some unenthusiastic murmurs could be heard, but sure enough, the crowd started moving through the tunnel, with Mezmo starting to follow them while making his way to the front. Slithraa stood and looked at Skales, right until he disappeared into another tunnel. He stood still for a few moments, before turning around and walking over to join up with the others.

"Sssoon enough."

Skales went through the different tunnels, keeping an eye out for Pythor. He had said if anyone wanted to join him, they could meet him at a specific spot. Apparently, he had some businesses on the surface he had to see to before he could leave. From the disinterested looks on the other Serpentine when Pythor declared his plan, Skales didn't expect that anyone else would join him. It took a bit of time, but soon enough he found the meeting spot. Some kind of intersection between the different tunnels. And there wasn't a soul. Even Pythor wasn't there.

He better not have left already, or else I'm going to beat that arrogant smirk off his face the next time I see him! Oh, that would just be perfect, wouldn't it? That I would be forced to crawl back to the tomb just to say that he had gone without me. I would be the laughing stock of the entire tribe. Skales thought to himself, as he stood and waited.

He did consider the possibility that he wouldn't be in such a situation if only he had announced to Pythor that he would be joining him before he left. But remembering the angry looks on the other Serpentine's faces made him realize he had made the right choice. Until Pythor had something to show, officially joining up with him wouldn't put him in such a good light with the other tribes. Or even his own for that matter.

Skales x Pythor: My Loyal Number TwoWhere stories live. Discover now