Chapter 4 first time out

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I was in my bed and every one was out of the house because they went on a killing spree but I could not go to bed I tosd and turned but I could not go to sleep with all that's happened I'm not surprised that I can't go to sleep I finally gave up and went down stair since no one is home and they will be gone for a wile I did not put on my sweats. i went down stares to explore the mansion and I finally found something that struck my internist a piano it was a beautiful grand piano that was a dark blood red with a black seat near the living room I sat down on the seat ( so you play the piano do you) the voice said in my head ," yes I've been playing for a year but I'm pretty good at it and I sing to," I said ( then can you play me a song) the voice said ,"ok if you shut up of 2 days I will." I said with a cheeky tone ( deal but when your in danger I will speak) the voice replied ", ok then here it goes." I stared playing one of my favorite songs on the piano My Immortal by evanescence when I was done I herd clapping in the back of me I quickly turned it was Jeff.
I fell of the seat because he surprised me and he was not wearing a shirt I could see his white skin with a six pack. He chuckled ", y...your not wearing a shirt." I said wall I was going red ", yeah and your not watering pant so..." I looked down and pulled my shirt to cover my under wear I looked down I felt a hand go under my chine it was Jeff's he lifted my head and his face was so close I looked in surprise to what Jeff was doing ," you do to blush he." He said wall examining my face I pushed him away and he fell on the floor ",HAY!" I stood up and said," w..why would I blush." He looked at me," I can see you under wear." He said I sat down quickly and covered as much as I can with my shirt. He laughed ," hahahaha... It's so fun teasing you maybe I should do it more often". He said wiping a tear from his eye I glared at him and went back to my room.
*a week has past
I woke up it was about 9:00 in the morning so I went to get breakfast no one was up so I made myself some beacon pancakes ( no joke needed 😆😋😂) after I was done with my breakfast slender man came down the stares I ran to him because I had a very important question to ask him," when can I go on a killing spree with you and the other proxies?" I asked he replied," well you can go tonight, but not with us with Jeff." I did not like the idea going with Jeff but I could not hold my self back much longer I needed to kill some one now it was like my drug. I nodded my head as I had a a big smile on my face.
Later that night we were just done dinner and I was so eggier to get out of the mansion I pulled of Jeff's white hoody he looked at me," can we go now I can't wait any longer," i said smiling still holding on to hi hoody he smiled and said ," look at what a good little killer you have become." He said patting my head like I was a little hid ," I glared at him and said," hay! I'm not a little kid your only 2 years older than me!" He looked back at his plate and said," well I'm done so I guess we can go now." My eyes lite up as he said that. Then I ran up stares to get my black hoody I ran back down stairs to meet up with Jeff. He was sitting at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me when Jeff saw me he stood up and said ," well... hurry up little girl." I didn't care that he called me a little girl I was too exited to be mad I ran down stairs and greeted Jeff with a big smile jeff looked at me and grinned ," what an ugly smile just perfect for a little girl like you." Jeff said wall smirking ," you can't do anything to rune my good mood I can't wait to go out. I've been waiting for ever to have this." I said with a smile ," well hurry lets go then." He said we quickly ran out the door and went to the human world.
It was a cold night and we made it too a nice neighborhood it had lots of big houses me and Jeff went to a big light house. We crowd through the window and made work way to the master bed room we saw a man and a woman sleeping on the queen sized bed Jeff told me that I should go first I quietly made my way to the bed and grabbed one of my thronging knives for my belt and raised my hand to sabe the man in the face ( hurry and kill him I can't what any longer) the voice said ", I can't ether." I said in a creepy voice I lunged at the man and stabbed him in the head it felt so good feeling the blood on me once agin. The wife woke up as she herd her husband scream for his life as I stabbed him over and over intel he stopped moving. Jeff ran to the women and said ," shhh... Now go to sleep". He held the blade up and stabbed the women 12 times in the head and body there was blood every ware it was beautiful.
( some ones making a call to the police) the voice said I ran in the hall way and seen a teenaged boy on the phone that was at the end of the hall way I grabbed another throwing knife and amend for his hand that were up suggesting that he gives up I though it and it hit his left had he screamed and that just made me more amused I then though a knife at his right had and he screamed agin ", please... Please don't kill me!" He said I smiled and said," I've been waiting to long to do this no way am I letting you get away..." I tough another one and this one hit right in the for head pining his head to the wall.
", Hurry William we have to go the copes will be here any second." Jeff said we jumped out the window and ran back to the mansion.
It was dark and I didn't realize that it was going to get bright out soon so I went up stares and just lade on my bed and slowly went to sleep.

*Authors note
(Sorry there was not that much romance but I hope you creepy pasta fans likes all the gore in it but next time there will be more romance in it 😉😊)

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