Chapther 2 proxy???

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I ran into the woods my mind was filled with the memory of me killing those girls but I did not feel bad or anything of that sort it felt really... Really good actually.
I smiled to my self when thinking of there bloody body's there dead feeling there blood on my body felt just as I expected it turned me on( not in a sexual way) it felt so good.
I ran intel I ran out of breath I kneeled down to have a rest I looked up and right in front of me was a cabin I was surprised because I did not see it before but at this point I did not care because I was really tired I went in side but when I went in there was just more woods I yelled,"what the heel." I termed around to see if the door was still there and I wasn't it surprised me so I ran it was getting dark and I was tiered I stopped agin.
I stood there in surprise as I seen I big mansion it looked really familiar like I seen it in a dream or something but I didn't care because at this point I was so so soo... Tired I went in to see if I could stay the night I slowly opened the door and softly yelled,"hello umm...excuse me but can I stay a night." There was no response so I opened the door fully and walked in I thought it was abandon so I let my self in I sat on the couch and sate there in silents but then I voice in my head spoke," it does not feel at home here it has a weird Ora."
" oh so you have something else to say besides telling me to kill some one." I said with a hint of cheekyness
" oh come on I was just looking after you.speaking of witch grab a knife because someone's behind you."the voice said
I grabbed the knife that was on the coffee table and quickly turned around and held the knife to the persons throat.
But the throat felt like leather I herd a voice say," what the f@$%#!". I backed away and fell on my butt I looked up quickly and said,"so...sorry I thought..." I stopped my sentience as I seen his face it was white and his hair was black but the things that stuck out the most was his eyes black eyes with black rings around them and his smile that almost reached his ears with dark blood coming from his mouth.
I took a long look at him but for some reason I was not scared I snapped back to reality as a man in back of him said," hello child we have been waiting for you to come". I looked in back of the man with the smile and saw a man with no face waring a black suit and he was about 10 feet tall I backed away as I was still on the floor because I was surprised at the man as I looked closer the man looked really familiar ",do I know you?" I asked he took a step forward and said," yes my child you have met me but only when you were little I thought you had potential to be my proxy but I had to wight a few more years until I could bring you here and it seemed like this was the perfect timing. Oh and by the way my name is slender man."
He pointed to the man in back of him and said," and that is your new I guess you can say couch Jeff the killer."
"Wait couch? Proxy? What I don't get it"? I said slender man turned back at me and said," maybe I should explain more ok my child I'll stat from the beginning when you where young I kept an eye on you for about 3 or 4 years I started to realize that you had the mind if a killer you always had that voice in your head but you lacked it away and I had to wight a few more years until it woke up agin and now if any one kills me you and the rest of my proxies will take my pace and Jeff here will train you to become a killer."
I stood there trying my best to not freak out at what he was saying and thinking if this was a good choice to become a killer and in my eyes it kinda was I mean I just killer 3 girls and I could not go back I will go to jail and I did not want that.
I looked up and said," I will excepted your request for me to become your proxy it is nice to meet you agin and you to Jeff my name is William now where will I be staying." Slender man looked at Jeff and told him to bring me too my room Jeff sighed and we went up stairs as we walked up the stares it said," that you for teaching me how to be a better killer."
"Don't get any ideas I don't even won't to odd this I just had to because slendy it too bizzy to do this him self and I'm staying here for free so I could not object." Jeff spat
"A@%# hole", I mumbled under my breath
We reached my room", here you go William. What with that name any ways it sounds like a guys own and it does not help when you where pig tales and glassed with baggy clothes you know for a girl you don't look like it." Jeff said wall he did a little chuckle I glared at him and slammed the door on the other side of the door I could hear him say," you little b@%#."
I took off my sweats and went to bed in my black and blue striped baggy t shirt and went to bed for a much needed rest.
(I'm not used to writing but hoped you liked it and I hope it was not too short)

Always smile (Jeff the killer fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum