"We will halmeoni, we will" they promised.


Everything is now ready and first to deploy is Yoonchul. He's now heading to the Joo Corporation as the new coordinator. Logan instructed him to gather all evidences that will prove that the Joos are sabotaging their business partner.

And Logan is right. There's a mandate from the chairman to deprioritize and delay supplies to the Lee Corporation. Yoonchul also discovered that they are stealing from them by raising the quotations to almost half of the price.

"This is a good start" Logan said as Yoonchul informed him of his findings.

Yoonhee and Junki are now on their way to the mansion. They are both successfully accepted as Dantae's new nurse and bodyguard. Suryeon was so excited to see them but of course they should act as strangers. In order not to be caught, Yoonhee decided to act harshly towards Suryeon and Dantae seems in favor with it.

Yoonhee was taken into a room and there she was told by Mr. Joo that Dantae is not paralyzed at all and she has to give "fake" medicines only. They just need a nurse so everything will appear as real. She was also instructed that when being asked by anyone, she must always pretend and answer that Dantae's condition is worsening. And that if this secret is revealed, they'll make sure she won't come out alive.

So Logan is right. Dantae is just pretending.

Junki, on the other hand, was surprisingly assigned to guard Suryeon (because Dantae is suspecting her of going somewhere). This makes Suryeon happy and gives Logan peace.

"Everything is falling into place. Suryeon, jagiya, we will save you" Logan messaged her.


Days passed and everything is going on smoothly as planned. But, on one dinner night, Dantae surprised all of them with an announcement.

"This has been delayed for too long already. I think it's time that we should get married, my Suryeon"

"Really? You're going to marry her?" Ms. Joo said in annoyance

"Why not mom? She's my fiancé after all and I have my own needs"

Suryeon was shocked and disgusted to hear all that Dantae is saying.

"Go on son. Do as you wish" Mr. Joo said. "When are you planning to do it by the way?"

"Next week. Everything is settled already" Dantae flashed his evil smile on Suryeon. "What do you think, my love?"

"Ahm. I think.. next week is.. too early" Suryeon replied hesitantly

"Too early?" Dantae smirked. "Wae? So you can plan how to escape before it happens?" he is now raising his voice. He, then, moved his wheel chair close to Suryeon and slapped her so hard that she fell from her seat "you won't escape me"

Suryeon sobbed not only from the pain but from everything she's hearing. Yoonhee and Junki, on the side, were very shocked seeing how Dantae is treating Suryeon.

Yoonhee is struggling internally. With what she witnessed, she wants to slap Dantae right now on the face. But if she do that, she knows they'll all be in danger so she got hold of herself and just watch her unnie helplessly.

Dantae then called for Junki. "Lock her up in the attic and make sure she won't be able to get out until our wedding"

Junki bowed and took Suryeon. As soon as they arrived in the attic, he immediately checked Suryeon. "Gwenchana noona?"

"No, Junki. I don't wan't to get married to that bastard. I should get out of here" she said in tears

"Don't worry noona. We'll tell Logan about this"

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