Start of Something

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It's a rainy evening. Suryeon doesn't know where her feet are bringing her. She just knows that she needs to run to a far away place.

"You must find her. She'll pay for what she did to my son." says the old man in his office.

Suryeon is all tired and wet not only from the rain but from her own tears. "I can't go back but I have no place to go. What will happen to me now?" she softly cries.

From a distance, an old lady saw her and came to her rescue.

End of Flashback

"Suryeon-ah, this is my grandson Logan and his secretary Mr. Hong. They really love your cooking."

"Yes! It's so delicious that I almost forgot my name!" Sec Hong confirmed.

Suryeon blushed. It always feels different to her whenever someone compliments her cooking.

"Thank you for appreciating it" Suryeon replied shyly.

Halmeoni noticed Logan who is just staring at Suryeon and not saying anything.

"Seems someone is whipped" Halmeoni thought. "Hey, Logan-ah. Don't just stare at her. Say something"

Logan snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing what halmeoni said.

"I'm not staring (clears throat). Hmm yah the food is good, tasty."

"Thank you, Mr. Lee" Suryeon smiled at him.

Logan's heart skip a beat seeing her beautiful smile but he's sensing there's something behind it.


After they finished eating, Mrs. Lee gathered all the staffs to formally introduce his grandson and to explain what will happen in the succeeding days.

"Everyone, meet my grandson, Logan. He'll be staying with us starting today and will help out in this restaurant"

"Hello, Mr. Lee. Welcome!" they all greeted him.

"Thank you" Logan responded. "So, you only have 4 staffs halmeoni? I think you should add more since the business is growing"

Halmeoni chuckled. "Well now I have 6 already".

Logan still confused with her grandma's answer but suddenly realized that she was talking about them.

"Oh no, halmeoni. You're mistaken. Me as a staff? That's not going to happen."

"Oh really? Okay then go back to Seoul. I can hire other people."

"You know I can't do that. Appa will kill me."

"Then do as I say. Yoonchul, Junki, help them get dressed and teach them how to do things. You two will start today"

"Today???" Logan and Sec Hong surprisingly said.

"Did I say tomorrow? No right? So, it's today. Go time is precious."

"Mrs. Lee is a terror. I want to go home already." Sec Hong cried to his master Logan.

"Ssssh keep your voice low. I'm telling you, if she hears you, you're dead meat."

"Let's go, Mr. Lee" Yoonchul said.

"Okay as if I have a choice. This is really a terror." Logan mumbles while following Yoonchul.

Suryeon just stares at them and didn't even notice that she's smiling already until Yoonhee told her.

Red StringOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora