Rescuing Suryeon

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As soon as his Pohang friends arrived in Seoul, Logan didn't waste a single time planning on how they'll get Suryeon out of that hell.

"What's your plan son?" halmeoni asked

"We have to get evidence or better make one. I strongly believe that Dantae is lying with his condition to blackmail Suryeon and make her feel guilty for it." Logan replied

"But if his condition is true, can't we just plead self-defense?" Yoonhee asked in curiosity. Logan already told them about Dantae's assault to Suryeon two years ago.

"We can't because there's no evidence or witness. And knowing how dirty the Joos play, they'll surely manipulate justice to be on their side".

"How evil" Yoonhee said in anger

"Yes that's why we need strong evidences against them and I'm certain there are"

"How will we do that?" Yoonchul asked

"We will infiltrate their place. And with that, I'll be needing your help to play some roles, if you're willing. Although, it can be dangerous"

"It's okay! As long as we rescue Suryeon" the three answered in unison.

"Thank you guys. I'll be grateful for all of you for the rest of my life on this" Logan said teary eyed.

"Okay. I've asked Mr. Hong to observe the Joos and look for areas where we can infiltrate them. First, we found out that Dantae has a personal nurse. Second, their company is looking for a coordinator which according to the job description will be responsible for their business transactions. And third, one of their bodyguards is Mr. Hong's friend."

The three nodded as they listen intently to all that Logan is saying.

"So, I'm planning for you three to take on those roles. We managed to bribe Dantae's nurse and Mr. Hong's friend to resign so we can fill in their places. They want dirty, we will play dirty" Logan smirked.

"I can take on the nurse" Yoonhee said. "If you haven't ask, I'm a pre-med student during college but undergrad. Though I didn't graduate, I still have basic knowledge so I can slay that role"

"I'm a business ad undergrad" Yoonchul said. "I think I can pass as coordinator since I also have basic knowledge"

"That's perfect, Yoonhee and Yoonchul" Logan answered.

"So I guess, I'll be the bodyguard" Junki said. "Well I have the built so I think I'm perfect for that role"

And they all laughed.

"Okay we're settled. I'm glad that our planning is going on smoothly. It seems luck is on our side" Logan is confident that they can pull this. "Mr. Hong, please proceed on preparing the necessary documents so we can already start with our mission"

"Yes sir" Sec. Hong responded

"You can take a rest for the meantime. I know you're still tired with the travel. I'm sorry if I rushed you all on this"

"No problem. We have to get Suryeon unnie as soon as possible" Yoonhee replied. "By the way, how is she doing there?"

"Honestly, she's not okay. The last time I saw her, she looks pale and lost weight. She also has some bruises on her face and arms" Logan's heart is breaking as he tell them Suryeon's condition

"Our poor Suryeon" halmeoni cried upon hearing what Logan said. It is only now that they saw Mrs. Lee crying for she is a strong woman ever since. But Suryeon is very dear to her heart and knowing her past with the Joos, she can't help not to feel so worried about her. "Please do all your best to rescue Suryeon"

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