He felt a soft tug on his hand and glanced down to find Ashley timidly holding his pinky. His eyes shot to hers and even though they were red rimmed, he was struck again by how absolutely beautiful she was.

He softened in spite of himself and smiled softly at her. "Feeling better?"

She blinked and bit her lip. "A little."

He crouched in front of her, running a hand over her soft honey brown hair. She leaned into his touch like a kitten and he had to fight a grin. "What does my baby want?" he cooed.

She slid her arms around him, leaning contentedly against his chest. "Want this," she pouted.

He sucked in a breath. Someday soon he'd have to tell her that she wasn't five anymore and his reactions to her hugs weren't still innocent... But for now he moved to sit beside her and wrapped his arms around her. He breathed in her scent and sighed. "What's his most likely response?"

She lifted a shoulder in a shrug. "He'll lose it if we don't find her quickly."

"Will we?"

"I don't know yet."

Her voice was getting smaller and he hated losing the easy mood they'd had a minute ago. He rubbed her back soothingly and she held him tighter. "Then we'll just have to keep him occupied with looking for her. And if we can't find anything for him to do, we'll get creative."

She nodded.

Roger pulled out his phone and took a deep breath before dialling Dane's number. Belle's brother was going to be pissed.

Axle followed Warren's scent through the forest. It was late in the afternoon and no one had seen or heard from him all day.

He didn't have much to report but knew he had to check in with the little lord, if only he could find him.

Apparently Warren had run amok through the forest and his scent was moving in confusing patterns. Axle had been patiently following them until he chanced on the freshest scent. Following it, he finally ended up facing the rundown manor house. 

He remembered that Warren often came here with the little lady and figured he had it right. He stepped into the cool interior and was surprised to hear Belle's voice. He excitedly raced up the stairs and threw the door open then stopped short. 

Warren sat in a corner of the functional room, curled in on himself with his head between his knees. There were TV monitors all around the room and they were all playing a video of Annabelle, which is where her voice was coming from.

As Axle deflated, Warren raised his head and gazed balefully at this intruder. He sighed and sat up, his hand immediately covering his heart.

Axle tried to remember the last time he'd seen the little lord this vulnerable and came up blank. He stepped in gingerly. "A little home entertainment?"

Warren chuckled and dropped his eyes at some memory.

"What're you doing here?" Axle asked gently.

Warren turned his eyes to the screen ahead of him. "The beast is frantic in his attempts to locate her. I have discovered from her multiple disappearances in the past that this calms me down."

"That's weird," Axle commented as he lowered himself to the floor next to Warren.

"Annabelle is my mate, therefore her scent, touch or even voice has that effect on me." He gestured, still keeping one hand over his heart. "This suffices when she is unavailable but it's effects are short lived."

"Does she know? That she's your mate, I mean."

Warren shook his head slowly. "No, my love is yet to fully awaken. And it is not a subject I could broach and insist that she take my word for it."

Intent on His claim (Beauty and the Beast #3)Where stories live. Discover now