Chapter 40

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I was dancing.

The prince had called for me again this night, and again I was left alone with him and the minstrel as I flew elegantly through his spacious chambers.

The high flowing curtains draped over the wide bed fluttered in the cool evening breeze and next to the bed was a gold engraved recliner where the prince lay lazily sipping wine out of a gold chalice with rubies embedded near the rim.

The room had a warm glow, lit up by a myriad candles and lamps. The floor length windows were open arches that led to a balcony and let in the beautiful carpet of stars in the night sky.

Elegance, splendor, opulence... Only such words could describe the scene, the soft emotive music I was following, and the impressive man in the corner whose fine, soft clothes did nothing to hide his intimidating physique. Swallowing, I closed my eyes and let the music take me.

A few minutes later, the music stopped and, knowing that the prince had given the cue, I opened my eyes curiously for his next instruction. I managed to contain my surprise to find him standing right in front of me and respectfully dropped my eyes.

"Have you been attending your lessons?" His voice was a low timbre that shivered through me and my breath caught. 

I knew I couldn't supply a plausible answer so I just nodded. His guards had taken me to lessons on playing the harp as he commanded, and I was fairly confident that I had developed at least an understanding of the instrument.

When the minstrel rushed to leave the room, I knew it was time to display the results of my lessons. I bit my lip and prayed I wouldn't displease my prince.

The prince's hand appeared just below my chin, and my eyes shot to his in surprise. I completely forgot about my station as I held his gaze. His eyes were so mesmerising, vivid even though they were dark as the midnight sky...

When his hand rose slowly, I understood what he wanted and  rose too until I was standing before him. I read approval and amusement those his eyes and it filled me with joy.

"Please." He gestured to the harp without taking his eyes off my own.

Remembering myself, I blushed and turned to the harp. I hesitated only slightly, acknowledging the weight of the moment, then I walked over to it quickly so he would not intuit my racing heart.

I sank to the floor in front of the huge instrument with my legs folded under me, and the prince settled on the top step of the dais that held his bed.

I dragged in a breath and dared to speak first. "My lord."

"Speak freely with me," he ordered instantly. I couldn't help my gasp; it was unheard of for royalty to tear down the barriers of formality that kept them safe from servants such as I.

"What do you desire that I play, my lord?" I asked softly, aware that even this thrilling privilege could be withdrawn at any moment.

His sigh was soft, wistful. I suddenly wished that I could play whatever melody had drawn it from him. "Whatever you desire. Perhaps there is a piece you have some confidence in?"

I blushed and accepted that he could not trust me with his true desires when I had been learning for a mere handful of days. I drew my fingers over the strings gently, reacquainting myself with them, then focused on the slightly haunting melody I had learned the previous day.

So lost was I in the music that my first sign that he had moved was when I felt the warmth of his body behind mine. I glanced behind me in shock but the intensity of his gaze on me was too much to bear, so I turned back to the strings as my heart thudded.

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