Lush Series Part 1

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Text copyright © 2022 by Cc Lopez

Cover art copyright © 2022  by Cc Lopez

All rights reserved.

It was a Crisp morning in London. My favorite music blasted in my earbuds while I jogged. There wasn't a soul in sight as I headed back to my flat. The sun peered through the high-rise flats, and I glanced at my watch. It's seven-thirty-five, about time for work.

I worked as an assistant for my best friend at his photography studio. Leo has been my best mate since college. He insisted on giving me the job when I moved back in with my mum and dad in Liverpool after my divorce.

The thought of moving back in with my parents was utterly devastating. Luckily, it only took a few months to get a studio flat in London close to work. It wasn't much, but it was mine.

I threw my keys on the white marble counter and headed for the shower, quickly slipping out of my clothes.

The scalding hot water trailed down my lush figure. Dreaming that the temperature would melt away the fat I had been so eager to lose, but no such luck.

After washing, I dried and stood looking in the mirror, ashamed of myself. I had been trying hard to lose weight but could never see results.

I forced myself to look away and pulled on my peach blouse and black leggings, slipped on leather sandals, curled my chocolate hair, and grabbed peach feathered earrings to match. 

Ready, I headed out and locked the door.

Outside, I hailed a cab.

After thirty minutes in traffic, the cab pulled up at the studio, parking against the curb. I gave the guy some cash. "Thank you," and I exited.

As soon as I arrived, Leo was all up in my face with excitement. "Oh my God, Lorelai, you're here, thank god," he clasped onto my hand and dragged me along.

"You fanboying again?" I asked, lifting a brow.

Leo glanced back at me a few times, still treading towards the coffee station, which I was glad for because it was too early to hear about Leo's sexipades or fantasies without coffee.

"We will be in the presence of a high-profile tattoo model. I just want to lick every crease of him. And girl, you know me with tattooed men." Leo giggled like a schoolgirl.

"You're so bad." shaking my head, I smiled. "Not to burst your bubble, but he's probably straight and taken," I snickered. Leo always assumed everyone wanted him, and if they were straight, he could sway them to spend one night with him.

He halted and scowled as if he was psychologically stabbing me. Leo was so bipolar, but he turned right back to his chipper self and wandered away, leaving me alone in the hall. I shook my head, laughing under my breath. What was the point of towing me around the studio? I thought and continued for the coffee I so desperately needed.

After I got a warm cup of joe, I headed to the photo area to set up the cameras and Leo's laptop, taking refreshments from the kitchen on my way. 

While I was setting up the camera, Leo stepped in with the client following close behind. My eyes widened as one of London's most famous models walked toward me. I stood there, mouth wide and eyes bulging out of my sockets.

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