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As I lay down on my bed lonely, bored, and empty-minded, l wondered how life ended up like this.


And full of...whatever my life was full of.

Honestly—and this is probably the most common agreement ever known to mankind—school is a burden. A heavyweight boulder to the mind.

I never noticed the ceiling had little bumps that reminded me of bacteria clusters. Ew. Now all I'm going to see before going to sleep is a group of disgusting bacteria. My friends probably have a better life than I do. Oh, who am I kidding, of course they do. My stomach was roaring like the mob of angry peasants during the French Revolution so I grabbed the bag of chips which stood on my bedside table and munched on them tiredly. It was already dark outside, and dinner wasn't even ready yet.

I wish it rained.

Rain is a calming sound. Especially after a long day of the abuse school dumps on you. I mean, it's even in the word: Six Cruel Hours of Our Lives! Ugh, my brain is so void of anything I can't pull out anything smart other than this train wreck of thoughts, which isn't even intelligent. It's just my bored brain babbling on and on about the miseries of this world. Did you know humans have a definite lifespan? We should be spending it on memorable things like vacations or luxurious gifts. But then it hits you:


If you don't do school, you don't learn. If you don't learn, you can't go to college, if you can't go to college then you can't get a good degree. If you don't get a good degree, you don't get a good, providing job. If you don't get a good, providing job, you'll end up as a janitor. If you end up as a janitor, you don't make much money. If you don't make much money you can't eat rich, healthy foods. If you can't even eat rich, healthy foods you can't even afford that wonderful vacation you've always dreamed of. Let alone that house you keep driving by but was unfortunately bought by those stuck-up neighbors with that good, providing job that gets them more than enough money to pay for the rich, healthy food and the wonderful vacations. Basically you die out of starvation and depression.

So...I'm going to diligently pull myself through all of the pain and stress for that vacation and happiness.

I looked outside and gazed at the dark blue, cloudy sky. Even the sky was feeling down with it's gloomy clouds huddling together almost as if they were comforting each other.

I sighed in boredom as my mind drifted of towards the sea of nothingness. Suddenly, a my phone buzzed from my nightstand. I unnecessarily snatched it ruthlessly and saw a message.

It was my friend! Relieved for the new entertainment, I texted her back.

Nevermind she had to go.

I guess I celebrated too soon.

Oh well, I have my phone in my hands now. Might as well go see the rest of my notifications. Most were plain junk. I scrolled through them, barely stopping to read them. I continued skipping until I saw a Pinterest notification saying, "Check out these Pins to brighten up your day!"

Intrigued, I clicked it. I just then realized my room had faint rays of cool light pouring through my window. I looked outside and saw a bright crescent moon glowing calmly as the clouds which used to cover it floated away. It was a coincidence because it was bright right when I pressed on the link. Perhaps the sky too found something to cheer itself up.

I turned my focus back to my phone, having no inkling what those Pins would be, nor that I would be on that page for the longest time...

posting memes because I canNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ