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"Are you sure we should do this?"

Four were gathered to discuss a very important matter. Their leader who a certain human admired had called them together to discuss a certain topic.

"Positive." he said. "I don't want to hurt her though. That's not our goal. I just need you three to get her to see the truth."

"You do realize I'm only doing this because she asked me." the female beside her snarled. 

The other female didn't exactly like her all that much. Yes, they were friends, but had also been rivals in their place for years. 

What did I ever do to get her riled up?

"So, we do this and we're done?" the other male asked. "Because the sooner the better."

"Exactly." their leader said. "She just needs to be convinced enough to stop treating..... people like our client like dirt"

"Great use of words."

She was a little skeptical as well. He had known their targets for years and never had any interest in doing this. Why now?

"Now, I get into place and we start this up." he said. "The time has come. Ghosts, spread out."

Ghosts of Guilt-A WOF fanfiction- By L.AndyWhere stories live. Discover now