Chapter 1

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In the time before creation, Ehova was. The Maker of All Things is He. Before the Great Forming, there was only chaos and darkness. But, Ehova came and He pushed back the chaos, imprisoned it where it could not reach to corrupt anything. In the place where the darkness had been, He brought into being order and light. He formed Paradise, where He spends His days, and, at the same time, He formed the Zanji, spirits that joined Him there. After much thought, He created Eddyenn, the world.

He formed plants and many sorts of beasts to fill this new world with beauty and love, to reflect what He felt for the creations He made. Nevertheless, the chaos found a way to extend from its prison into this new place and seeped into the beings He created. The beasts many times fought species against species, clan against clan. Ehova knew that there needed to be someone to control them, a being more intelligent and wise than they were. So, according to His great plan, He decided to make for Himself five Guardians who would be the key to peace.

The firstborn, Zuze, was created from the thunderstorms that raged above the mountains in the Eastern sky. His long hair was as dark as the thunderheads before a storm, falling about his olive-skinned shoulders. His wisdom-filled eyes were grey, like the mist in the early morning. In his hand, he carried both a mighty sword and a lightning bolt, and he was oft seen accompanied by the birds of the air as he went about to settle manners among the inhabitants of Eddyenn.

Ehova formed Sidon from the foam on the waves of the Great Sea. He was the merriest of the Five, with laughing green eyes and curls of sandy brown. His cheeks were tanned by the glaring sun. His realm was the kingdom of animals beneath the water, his closest friends the fish and the waterhorses that dwelled with him, his choice weapon the trident.

 Adez was cleaved from the shadows; the pure darkness of rest responded to his very thought. His hair was of the very shadows he came from and his eyes the deepest of purple. In contrast, his skin was pale, as pale as the snow that falls on the tops of the great mountains in the East. It was in the Forest of Shadows that he spent his days armed against the deadly beasts that lurked within with nothing but a spear woven out of darkness and magic, more deadly than any normal weapon.

Out of the flickering flames came Phaestes, lord of fire and the forge. His appearance was like the dark embers, and the colors of his eyes were of the metals he works: one gold, one silver. He preferred not to fight at all, but when provoked used a great hammer that with one blow would oft crush his enemies. The phoenix, a bird made of fire itself, was seen with him on the rare occasions when he left his home in the bowels of the volcano, named Phurer in the old language, which means “fury”.

 Abidyenn became the embodiment of the very earth that made up Eddyenn. His hair was golden- white and his eyes the color of sapphires. All the riches under the earth were in his protection, and he performed this task zealously. Abidyenn used no weapon at all in war, instead preferring simply to have the ground swallow up his foes. Most of the time, he was accompanied by a serpent, a creature with no legs; instead, it went about crawling through the dust on its belly. It was a pure creature of the earth and deadly enough to satisfy him. 

Each of the Guardians spent much time in the presence of Ehova, learning and growing in wisdom. When Ehova deemed them ready, He called each one to Him and spoke with them separately, teaching them the secret of Creating. He did not reveal all to them, just a simple way of embedding a sliver of one’s essence into a creature formed from nature. He then sent them to journey throughout Eddyenn and find the place closest to their heart. There, they were to create something that would contain their wisdom, their very being. However, after they had created this creature, the secret He had shared would flee their knowledge. Each of the Guardians left to wander through Eddyenn to do as He had bidden them.

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