𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚 | 𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚

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KALLIE WAITED THE WEEK. She knew it was hopeless, but she waited nonetheless. She knew Stark had pulled the Tesseract from the ocean, but she avoided him and Peggy both, along with anyone else she knew. She didn't want their apologies, their pitying glances, none of it. She only wished she could go back in time and undo what had been done. She never visited any of the memorials, not wanting to be recognised, and according to the papers, she had gone MIA when Rogers died. It was the cover story given by the army, who couldn't begin to guess at or explain the strange energy surge that she'd used as her exit. It was the story anyone with an ear was taking right now. 

She'd stopped reading the paper two days ago, had stopped hoping for the impossible. Stark had canvassed the area again and again, with the best technology he could muster. If Steve was going to be found, he'd have been found already. 

In her apartment, she stood looking in the mirror, hands smoothing over the dark blue dress. She took only an extra moment to pin her hair, add her deep red lipstick and pull on a sleek pair of black heels. Grabbing her purse. She took a deep breath, checking the time before she strode out the door. 7:30. On the side of the road, she hailed a taxi. 

"Where to, Miss?"

"The Stork Club."

She watched out the window as streetlights and apartments went by. She heard the honking of other cars and the chatter of people in the streets. But none of it really mattered. When they finally arrived, she left the driver an extra ten dollars. Whatever happened tonight, she wouldn't need it any longer. 

She stepped into the club where people swirled about in an elegant, yet rousing dance. She checked the time 7:50. She was early. Drinks were passed around, but Kallie politely declined, moving to sit at a table by herself. She waited there, fingers tapping and tapping and tapping, only tuning back into the world when the music changed. Slow music. She checked the time. 8:00. She took a long shaky breath, keeping herself calm. He's late. The time ticked by, and Kallie remained. 8:30. 9:00. 9:30. 10:00. 11:00. 12. 1. 

"Excuse me, Miss?" 

She blinked, looking up. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry to say that we're closing. You're welcome to come back next week."

She smiled, but it was holding back tears. "No, that's alright. He's already late." Getting to her feet, she strode slowly out the doors, into the empty streets. Everyone was home at this time of night. No people, no cars. None of it. Kallie let her purse slip from her fingers, falling to the ground. "Take me home." She whispered. A blinding light of every colour imaginable encircled her, like a pillar rising up somewhere far beyond the earth's atmosphere, searing into the pavement. When it disappeared, so had Kallie.

When she opened her eyes, gold surrounded her. A large, dome-like chamber with a single man stood upon it's pedestal, sword in hand. Heimdall. "Welcome home princess."

She nodded, but another voice cut in before she could reply. "By Odin... You're in a world of trouble."

She turned to find her brother waiting for her, dressed in black and gold and green as always. "Loki." Her voice was soft, perhaps even fragile, and he moved forward to pull her into a hug.

His voice was gentle when next he spoke. "Welcome home, Kallian."


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