Oh, so that's why he's like an angry lioness.

"Jeongguk? What the fuck!?" He exclaimed and I burst into laughter again.

Due to Jin hyung's loud voice, we caught unnecessary attention. He noticed it as well, causing for him to catch my arm and drag me somewhere private. I pulled my arm away, going back to pick up my son. I would not leave him here alone! No way in hell.

"Who is that?" Jin hyung's eyes is wider now that he sees the child I'm carrying. "Nevermind, let's talk somewhere else. You have a lot to tell me.." He continued in a threatening tone that I didn't mind.

I tagged behind him as he march to the adjoined house upstairs.

"Back already—"

"Shit!" he suddenly cursed, stopping in front of the door with horrified face. Jin hyung quickly tilted his body to face me. I raised a brow at him. I think I already have a clue. "Give me a minute.." Jin hyung entered the room, leaving me and my son to stand in front of it.

The sound of commotion soon resonated. Hades and I looked at each other, both have the same question in our mind. I already have an idea. And I wish my son don't. These horny horses! I wanted to occupy that room earlier now I don't! Gosh. What indecent thing have they done to my house!?

"Okay, come in.." Jin hyung's head popped out of the door, wearing an obvious fake smile. I ignored it and followed what he said. Maybe he and his lover fought. Swordfighting. Heh.

Inside, Namjoon hyung is waiting. He's sitting on the bed with crossed legs and arms, wearing an irritated look. But soon his expression change when his eyes landed on me. "Jeongguk?"

"Hello, Namjoon hyung. Long time no see!"

"You're back!"

He stood up and hurriedly approached me. He surprised me with a sudden hug. Which made my son squirm underneath us. I laughed and hugged him back using my free arm. As much as I want to not notice it, he strongly reek of arousal. I scrunched my nose upon catching that smell.

"Dada.... can't....breathe..." The poor little kid complained as he is being squeezed by two big adults.

"Oh! Sorry, baby.." I giggled at him as soon as Namjoon hyung and I let go of each other.

"Is that..."

"Yes..." Putting my kid down, I faced my two friends. "This is my kid. Introduce yourself, son..." I nudged Hades' shoulder.

"Hello, uncles! My name is Hades. Nice to meet you.." My son offered his little hand to Namjoon hyung, initiating a hand shake. The latter's eyes softened as he look at Hades. He softly reached for the kid's hand and shook it gently. That earned a big grin to Hades' face.

"Hello, little man. I am Uncle Joon and that man right there is Uncle Jin.." Namjoon hyung pointed at the man who's standing with his arm crossed on his chest, the right eyebrow of his is raised. Namjoon hyung leaned down to my son's ear to whisper. "He's a bad Uncle.."

Hades looked at his new found uncle. Also whispering his question to his uncle's ear. "Why?"

"Because he didn't let me kis—"


In a blink of an eye, Namjoon hyung is now kissing the floor with two big bump on his head. This burglar adult!

"What are you saying to a child/my son!?" Jin hyung and I said in unison after we smacked Namjoon hyung's head.

"What!? It's true! And what is wrong with kissin—" Jin hyung covered his lover's mouth, stopping it from muttering another word. While me, I covered my son's ear, restraining it from hearing whatever is coming out of his new uncle's big mouth. I'm starting to debate wether it's good or not that I let them meet Hades!

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