chapter 10

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rosalia pov 

after dad showed me around and let me say this house was massive " daddy can I go and play out side" I said " there not much out there princess but we can go get stuff in a few days once your settled in " dad said "okay" I said going to walk up the stairs " but you've never watched tv right" dad said  I nodded confused " well why don't we watch a few Disney movies and see what you like" dad said " can we" I said "sure go sit in the living room I will go and get Chocolate and popcorn" dad said "whats that" I said " what do you mean" dad said " mum never let me have sweets or fizzy thing I was only really allowed bread water or grape  juice even though I hate grape juice" I said " well you will love it trust me now I you go to the living room" dad said "okay" I said and ran to the living room and jumped up on the sofa then 4 minute later dad came in with a bowl with stuff in it and 2 cups he put it on the side and chucked a blanket at me I looked at him in a weird way he laughed and sat next to me and sorted the blanket out " what first" dad said Turing on the tv and going on something named Disney+ " can we watch that" I said pointing to the movie named Beauty and the beast ' sure" dad said Turing it on I cuddled Into it side 

2 hour later Declan pov 

I felt something fall in my lap I looked down and and saw Rosalia head in my lap I picked her up and carried her to her room and laid her under her blanket and closed the curtain on her beaded went to my room and got changed and laid in bed and went on my phone then I heard my door open and I saw rosa " rosa baby your meant to be in bed" I said sitting up "I can't sleep with out noise mum just turned the fan on normally" she said " I think I have a fan and do you want one of my shirts to sleep in and we can go shopping for clothes tomorrow or orderer some" I said she nodded and I went to my draw and found a shit and gave it it to her and told her to get changed in the bathroom she came out and I took her to her room and went down stairs and looked in the garage and found it I brought it upstairs and plugged it in and took it closer to rosily bed and then I tucked her in and kissed her head " night princess love you" I said and closed the Cuban on her bed and walked out but I heard " I love you too daddy" 

Declan rice long lost daughterWhere stories live. Discover now