chapter 4

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Rosalia pov ( she now 8) 

I was in my room witch looks normal but there only a bed wardrobe and toy chest with no toys  the bars where still there she tells her friends that its so I don't fall out thats not the case its so I can't run away but the only good is school because I can play football and beat Zach Jake and mike but am not allowed to join an actual team my mum never let me so I stoped asking  but anyway I was drawing when mum walked in " you ready for  school Olivers dropping you" she said "why is he dropping me" I said I knew he wasn't my dad so I never called him it "because am busy and don't be rude brat" she said walking to my warden and dropping my school clothes on the floor and walked out 

I was in my room witch looks normal but there only a bed wardrobe and toy chest with no toys  the bars where still there she tells her friends that its so I don't fall out thats not the case its so I can't run away but the only good is school beca...

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 I walked down stares put my shoes on and grabbed my bag and my coat 

 I walked down stares put my shoes on and grabbed my bag and my coat 

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I walked to the car and Oliver put me in my booster seat  it was an old one with straps 

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I walked to the car and Oliver put me in my booster seat  it was an old one with straps 

I walked to the car and Oliver put me in my booster seat  it was an old one with straps 

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at school 

Oliver undid the buckle that was on and I jumped out and walked Into school  "hey rosa" zach said as I sat down 

at break 

was sitting with Sophie when mike came over " rosa wanna play we need one more person" he said  I looked at Sophie  she nodded "sure" I said and got up and went over another boy gave me the ball I kicked it to Zach and ran to  some were else then people from the other team got the ball I tackled and kicked it in the goal 

end of the day 

I walked out of school and saw Oliver I walked over to him and got in the car he buckled me in an pulled the step tight I coughed a bit he smiled and got in the front "so how was school" he said "why do you care" I said " because your mum got a call" he said I looked at him "girls don't play football" he said my eyes widened " yeah good luck" he said 

at home (⚠️abuse⚠️)

he unbuckled me and grabbed my upper arm and dragged me in and I saw mum " why did I get a call school saying you should join a football team you know you shouldn't BE PLAYING FOOTBALL" she yelled I ran upstairs and hid but she came in and pushed me to the floor she smacked my face 4 times then pushed me against the wall and walked out then Oliver walked in I tryed to run but he grabbed me and took his belt off and hit me with it 3 times then left laughing


I got up and wen to bed crying 

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