chapter 2

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harper pov 

I was sitting in the kitchen with rosa in her baby bouncer  in the living room where you could see from the kitchen but anyway I was making her bottle when Declan walked in he had been at training he walked Straight to rosa and picked her up and laying her on his chest with his arm around her I finished making her bottle and brought it in I gave it to Declan  and went upstairs 

Declan pov 

harp gave me her bottle and went upstairs I changed rosa so she was laying in my arm and started feeding her after she finished the bottle I burped her I heard her burp and I chuckled and it was around her bed time so I took her upstairs and put her in her bed in her room then I heard harp on the phone I walked to the door and I heard her talking to another man on the phone  then I head her say love you babe I walked in and she looked at me and put the phone down fast " I heard everything harp" I said " its not what you think" she said "then what is it because I just heard you call him babe" I said " your famous now everyone knows who you are dec" she said "so its my job am a footballer " I said " yeah and I don't want my daughter growing up around it" she said "then go but your not taking rosa" I said  " lets just go to bed am to tired" she said and laid down I got in bed and tired away from harper 

harper pov 

I woke up in the middle of the night and packed my stuff I texted Oliver and got rosa stuff but I heard dec wake up I didn't have time to grab rosa so I ran 

declan pov 

I woke up to sulking around and went to rosa room to check on her and hafe her stuff was gone so I picked her up and took her to my room and laid her on my bed with pillows around her 

the next day 

I had put rosa in her boncer and I went to make her bottle I had called mason to come round since harp uped and left and texted me that we're over so I needed help with rosa then I heard a knock on the door and I answered it and it was mason "hey" I said "hey you okay mate" he said and asked over to rosa I closed the door as I went back to the kitchen " I mean it properly for the best she crazy" I said and walked into the living room with rosa bottle and mason was holding rosa so I Took her off him and started feeding her  " I don't know why she just took rosa stuff and left" I said "maybe she wanted to something to remember rosa" he said "maybe" I said  and sat rosa on my leg bouncing her up and down as she giggled 

later that night 

mason was stying the night so we were getting rosa ready for bed I put her in  pink pjs and laid her in her bed and me and mason went down stares and turned on the tv and her baby monitor 

harper pov 

I snuck throw the window and saw mason and Declan watching tv I suck up stairs and went to rosa room were she was  laying with her teddy Declan had got her  I picked her up and put her  dummy in and snuck out but as I got to the  window rosa let out a loud  cry Declan and mason  got straight up and saw me but I had jumped out the window and ran to the car and Oliver sped off  I was holding rosa I knew this was classed as kidnapping so we were playing on going to Spain or something but I didn't have the passport for Rosalia but she had one a Declan's  so we had to change her name but we didn't have money to fly out there so we were going about 10 hours away  so they couldn't find us  and we went to a very small town 

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