So that's why I wasn't ok when I left home even though I was in a safe environment and around friends. Why I couldn't continue writing? I probably subconsciously associated it with that toxic environment and any time I would try I would have a trauma response and immediately stop. But that's my theory, maybe I'm wrong and I just stopped enjoying it because adulthood, who knows.

Anyway, that brings us to me moving around, publishing that god awful 30 Days of Writing thing I did at one point when I still deluded myself into believing that I just had really bad writer's block and if I did these dumbass writing exercises I could magically cure myself. All I did was make myself feel worse and probably confuse a lot of people. Then I decided to give up, at least until I was back in a more stable environment, or so I told myself.

Well, I moved to Kansas from California and what do you know? I still couldn't write. Of course at the time my fiance was going through boot camp and training and schooling and I was in Kansas with his parents. Clearly I just needed to be living with my now husband and once things settled down I would get back to writing.

By December of 2018 I was 20, and had just landed in Japan. Well that was a lot; flying in a plane for the first time of my life and I was alone, I had only gotten 3 months out the first year we were married to see him in person, I just left my country, left my family and went to Japan. It was stressful, so obviously I wouldn't be able to write. Ahaha, do you see where this is going? Cause I sure as hell didn't when I convinced myself that after a few months of settling in I'd be able to write again.


No, I was not.

I gave it a good try. I would sit down, I'd try, annnnnd I'd have that voice telling me I suck.

This is wrong

That's boring

No one is going to like that

That isn't politically correct

That doesn't feel good

I don't like it

Why am I doing this?

And I would stop. I realized that writing teenagers in relationships with older men is creepy, not cute. I learned that having "smut" up for teenagers and potentially kids under 12 to read feels creepy to me. I realized that I didn't want to be writing about petty teen drama anymore because although I used to yearn to be a "normal" teen with "normal" teen problems, I don't anymore.

I realized that I'm in my early 20s, and I no longer can connect to my character's, their problems, their mindset. I'm not a good enough writer to write believable YA anymore, and I wouldn't want to even if I could. I realized that I grew up, I gained more knowledge about the world, I gained more knowledge about myself, I became increasingly aware of how problematic what I would write was. Essentially, I didn't enjoy writing what I was writing anymore on top of realizing how bad (in all the ways) it was.

I no longer am proud in any sense for anything I wrote, when I used to be very proud of it. Now I just look at everything I've written and I just feel sick and sad. I don't like it, and I can't keep all of it up just because taking it down would upset people.

Before, during, and after I was writing on Wattpad I would read stories here. To this day I still think about Rotty's (rotXinXpieces) The Underworld Chronicles constantly even though I never finished the series (maybe one day). So I know the feeling when they suddenly disappear, without a trace and no explanation, or an explanation I don't find satisfactory. This is probably that.

I tend to over explain things and I don't get to the point, which is a problem, because now this is fifteen hundred words longer than it ought to have been. Could have easily just said, "yo, so I'm leaving, love ya'll, peace... and I'm also removing a lot of my stories."

But I'm me and here we are. I'm now 24 years old, up past my bedtime, I'm cold because I'm a stubborn person who keeps the AC at 18c constantly even when I'm freezing my ass off writing an overexplained piece of garbage about me leaving Wattpad.

This really is just a stream of consciousness, basically. So if you got this far, kudos. Also I may be coming of condescending but I'm trying to keep this light and funny but I mean, I suck at that so I do apologize.

What all that was getting at though is that I don't love writing anymore and maybe I will some day but that's not today and not in the foreseeable future. Even if in some ironic twist of fate me writing this reminds me of how much I miss writing, I won't be writing my old stories. I don't want to and I most definitely won't want to in the future. So I want them gone, because they're embarrassing, they're not good, and a lot of them make me uncomfortable knowing the audience that will read them.

Please respect my decision to remove the stories I remove. Seriously. Please. I know it sucks but there's so many better stories on this platform and so many incredible books out there already that are a million times better than anything I have ever produced.

I'm incredibly grateful for the readers, for my followers, for Wattpad in general. It gave me an outlet, I met a lot of interesting people, I got to be an ambassador for a very small amount of time, I got to interact with readers, with followers. It was wild and I truly don't think my life would have gone in this direction without Wattpad. So thank you all, and thank you Wattpad.


Ramblings of Me (AKA The Unnecessarily Long Explanation)Where stories live. Discover now